Home Moral Stories The Cunning Fox and a Foolish Goat Story with Moral in English

The Cunning Fox and a Foolish Goat Story with Moral in English


Here is, The Cunning Fox and a Foolish Goat Story with Moral in English for Students who are preparing to appear in Exams and want to attempt Short Story writing. The Cunning Fox and the Goat Moral story could be written under different titles. This story tells us the moral lessons, Look before you leap and all that glitters is not gold. This is also a very good bedtime short moral story for little kids who like to listen to bedtime moral stories. This is a short story but there are some long stories also available at This Link.

A Fox and a Foolish Goat Moral Story

A thirsty fox went here and there in search of water. By this time, it was dark. He fell into a well. He quenched his thirst, but could not get out. The next morning, a got happened to pass that way. The cunning fox invited the got to jumps into the well and to refresh himself with the cool and sweet water of the well. The poor goat did not perceive the hidden trick. The fox finding an opportunity used the horns of the goat as a ladder and climbing out of the well. The poor goat remained bleating in the well till the shepherd happened to come that way and rescued the goat.

Possible Morals:        

  • All that glitters is not gold.
  • Look before you leap.

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  8. The King and The Spider Moral Story
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