Home Moral Stories The King and The Spider Moral Story

The King and The Spider Moral Story


The King and The Spider Moral Story for 1st Year

Here is The King and The Spider Moral Story for 1st Year students. This story can be written under the titles, The story of King, Short Story of King, King Bruce and the Spider Short Story with Moral, King and the Spider Story, Try, Try Again Story, Moral Story about King or The King and the Spider Story. This story is taken from the notes of Sir Rizwan Yaseen [M. PHL Eng]. Here are some more Mora Stories also available which you can check by Going Here.

The King and The Spider Story for Class 11

Robert Bruce was a brave king of Scotland. He fought several battles against the British. He had to face defeat again and again. Once the king had to run away from the battle-field to save his life. The British soldiers chased him but he hid himself in a cave. He was entirely disappointed and decided to give up his struggle forever.

When the king was lost in his thoughts of misfortune, he saw a spider which had fallen from the cobweb. It tried again and again to reach its cobweb but fell down every time. The king was observing the spider with keen interest. He thought that the spider could not reach its cobweb.

the spider took a little rest and started to climb up again. It did not lose its heard and kept on trying to achieve its goal again and again. At last, the spider succeeded to reach its web.

The King was greatly inspired by the will-power of the spider. He realized that “man is not made for defeat”. He made up his mind to make another effort to crush his enemy. He came out of the cave with a new spirit. He gathered his army and attacked the English army with full vigour. This time, he succeeded in defeating his enemy and won freedom for his people.

This story proves that we should train again and again to achieve our goal.

Possible Morals:

  • Try, Try again until you succeed. 
  • Faith moves mountains.
  • It is never to late to learn
  • Persevrance is virtue.
  • Never lose heart.

FAQs on the Story King Bruce and The Spider

This is a simple story for the motivation which I have already shared above. However, this is also an important story for kids which can be part of their English Paper in exam. Hereunder are some Frequently Asked Questions about this story.

What is the story of King Bruce and the spider?

King Robert Bruce ruled over Scotland. Once he was defeated by the English. He ran for his dear life. His enemies followed him. He hid himself in a cafe. When he was lying there, he saw a spider that fell frrom its web. It tried again and again to reach its web, but it fell every time. It tried nine times, but failed. The king thought that the spider would try no more. But it tried once again. This time it reached its web. It gave the king a new hope. he said to himself, “When this small insect can succeed by trying again and again, why sould not I try once again and succeed?” he came out of the cave. he gathered his scattered companions large army and attacked the English. This time they fought very bravely and defeated them.

What lesson did King Bruce learn from the spider and what is the message of the poem King Bruce and the spider?

The King Bruce learn from the spider that “When this small insect can succeed by traying again and again, why should not I try once again and succeed?”

What was the spider trying to do how did she inspire Robert the Bruce?

The spider was trying to reach its web. It tried nine times, but failed. The spider tried 10th time once again and it reached its web.

What did the king do after watching the spider?

He came out of the gave and gathered his scattered soldiers. They attacked the British and fought very bravely. This time they defeated them.

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