Home Moral Stories The Fox and the Crow Story with Moral in English – 250 Words

The Fox and the Crow Story with Moral in English – 250 Words


This post contains The Fox and The Crow Moral Story in English for 1st Year Students. On ilmihub, you will not get only English Moral Stories for 11th Class but also Complete English Notes are available. 1st Year all subjects notes and PDF books are also available. I understand that the story length is not too much but if you write it appropriately it will be enough for FSC Part 1 students. I have already posted some Moral Stories for 1st Year Students. However, if you want in PDF format, you should visit English Moral Stories Notes for 1st Year PDF.

Moral Story Fox and the Crow in English for 11th Class

“Beware of flatterers” is an oft-quoted proverb. It means undue praise in a scandal in disguise. Some people use oily tongues to serve their ends. Those who are taken in by the flatterers often suffer a loss. There is a famous story to illustrate the truth of this proverb.

Once a fox was very hungry. It was very hot on that day. he had nothing to eat. He went out in search of food. After some time he reached a garden. He sat there under a shady tree to take a rest. he looked up and saw a crow sitting on the branch of the tree. he had a piece of cheese in his beak. The fox’s mouth watered to see the piece of cheese. He hit on a clever plan to get that piece of cheese. He hit on a clever plan to get that piece of cheese. He started praising the crow. He said to the crow, “How beautiful you are! How pretty your feathers are! How bright and shining your beak is! What a lovely voice you have! Will you please sing a song for me?” The foolish crow was pleased to hear his praise. So he started singing. As soon as the Crow opened his beak, the piece of cheese fell down on the ground. The fox picked it up at once, ate it and went away.

Moral Lessons:

  • Do not be taken in by flatterers.
  • Beware of flatterers.
  • Look before you leap.
  • Unwise acts cause failure.
  • Wise acts bring success.

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