Home Moral Stories The Farmer and the Snake Story in English – Moral Story

The Farmer and the Snake Story in English – Moral Story


Farmer and the Snake Story in English

Here in this post is The Farmer and the Snake Story with Moral in English for the Students of Different Classes. The same story could be written under the title Moral Story Farmer and the Snake, Moral Story Nature cannot be changed and Nature Never Changes Story. This story is taken from the Notes of Sir Rana Attique from Farooqabad. There are some other Moral Stories and Short Stories available on this website. For more stories, you can visit the Moral Stories category.

The Farmer and the Snake Story with Moral – Short Story

“Nature never changes” is an oft-quoted proverb. Once a young farmer lived in a village happily with his wife and children. He was a kind-hearted and noble man, always ready to help others in solving their problems. He was also kind to animals and birds. He always tried to provide food and help to them.

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One winter morning the farmer took his tractor to his fields and started ploughing the ground. Just when he reached one end of the field, he saw a snake lying in the grass, frozen in the frost at night. He looked pity on the snake and thought of helping it in some way. He picked it up, put it in a basket and started for his home. At home, he placed the basket near the fire in his room. When the farmer’s children saw a strange basket near the fire, they at once gathered around it. Soon the snake started moving. The children started laughing and clapping their hands to see the snake straightening itself, opening its eyes what he and his wife had feared. It jumped at the children. The children cried and ran out times. Within a minute it was lying dead at his feet.

Possible Morals:

  1. Nature never changes.
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