Home Moral Stories The Ant and The Cricket Story – Moral Story with Lesson

The Ant and The Cricket Story – Moral Story with Lesson


The Ant and The Cricket Story in English for 1st Year students – Class 11

This post contains The Ant and The Cricket Story for students of different classes. Especially, Students of Class 11 can prepare it. The same moral story could be written under the title No Work, No Food Story. The Ant and The Cricket Moral Story with Lesson for First Year Students is hereunder in a very good format and vocabulary. This story is taken from the Notes of Sir Rana Attique from Farooqabad. You can visit Moral Stories as well.

The Ant and The Cricket Moral Story with Lesson for First Year Students – No Work, No Food Story

“Lay by something against a rainy day” is an oft-quoted proverb. It means that every person must save something for the coming days. It is also very important for animals and birds. During the spring, one young cricket was very happy. The sun was warm and there was plenty of food. “What more could one wish for? He thought and went hopping through the meadow.


But soon the flowers of spring began to fade and wither. The days became shorter. The sun was less warm and the breeze more cold. Still, the young cricket was intoxicated with happiness. He did not give any thought to the future.

One day, the snow began to fall. Before he could store food for the winter, the vegetation perished in the freezing cold. He could not find anything to eat. He was dead-tired. He was wet and was shivering with cold. He knocked at the door of an ant’s house. The ant opened the wicket of her house and the cricket entered it.

The cricket asked the ant to lend him some food which he would return to her later on. She told him that the ants did never lend and did never borrow. The ant then asked,

“Have you not saved anything in the spring season”. He replied in the negative. He added that the weather in the spring season was so pleasant that he continued o sing and enjoy. The ant asked him to dance away singing from her house. At last, she turned the poor cricket out of her house.

Possible Morals:

  1. Lay by something against a rainy day.
  2. No work, no food.
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