Home Moral Stories The Miller, His Son and Their Donkey Story with Moral – Short Story

The Miller, His Son and Their Donkey Story with Moral – Short Story


Here is “The Miller, His Son and Their Donkey Story” with Moral Lesson for students. Students of School and Colleges can get benefit from this story by preparing it. This is a unique story of a miller who is traveling with his son and they have their donkey with them. On the way, they meet different type of people who tell them different opinions. They try to please them all. At the end of the story, we learn the moral that You can’t please everyone. For more moral stories you can Visit This Link.

The Miller, His Son and Their Ass Story with Moral Lesson

Once a miller and his son were going to a fair. They carried with them their ass for selling. Neither of them was riding it. Seeing this, some people laughed and said, “What fools you are? You have an ass but, both of you are walking, while one of you could easily ride.” At this father asked his son to ride. They had just gone a little far when they came across some old men. One of them spoke to the boy. “Are you not ashamed of yourself? You are riding while your old father is walking.” Hearing this, the boy got down and the miller rode the ass. Then they came across a group of old women. They condemned the man for being so cruel to the boy. As the father did not want to displease them, he asked his son to sit behind him. As they went further, they met a man. He said: “Why are you so cruel to the poor ass? You had better carry him on your shoulders.” To please everybody, they tied the legs of the animal and carried it on their shoulders. On the way, they had to cross a bridge. The ass got frightened. It gave a jerk and fell down into the river and drowned.

Moral Lesson:   One cannot please everybody.

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