Home Moral Stories Honesty is The Best Policy Story with Moral in English

Honesty is The Best Policy Story with Moral in English


This post contains Honesty is Best Policy Story in English with moral for FSC 1st Year students. The same story could be written under the title of Honesty Story, Story of An Honest Wood Cutter, Virtue is its own reward, Honesty is the Best Policy Story in English or The Woodcutter and his Axe. I have already shared Moral Stories for Class 11 PDF. However, if you do not want to download and only want to read online visit English Moral Stories for 1st Year.

There are two examples of this honesty story available here. The first story is a very short story on honesty containing 150 words. This story has been taken from New Pilot English Grammer. The 2nd story has been taken from the Notes of Sir Rana Attique from Farooqabad and contains 300+ words. You can visit Moral Stories as well.

A Very Short Story on Honesty with Moral Lesson in English Written for Class 8 & Class 9 – 150 Words

Once a poor woodcutter was cutting a tree on the bank of a river. Suddenly his axe slipped and fell into the water. The poor fellow was very sad. The angel of mercy happened to pass that way. He asked him, “Why are you so sad?” The woodcutter told him about his loss. The angel took pity on him. He dived into the water and brought out a golden axe. The woodcutter said, “it is not mine”. The angel dived again and this time brought out a silver axe. The woodcutter refused again saying. “My axe is made of iron.” The angel dived again and brought out an iron axe. He cried out with joy. “This is my axe.” The angel was much pleased with his honesty and gave him the other two axes as a reward for his honesty.


  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Virtue is its own reward.

Moral Story Honesty is Best Policy with Quotations for Class 11 – 300+ Words

Many years ago, there lived a woodcutter in a village. Although he had was poor, had a strong faith in God and blessings of hard work. He earned his living by cutting and selling wood in the town. He used to work day in and day out to earn his bread and butter. He was contented with his lot. One day he was felling a tree growing on the steep bank of a river. Unfortunately, the axe slipped from his hands and fell into the depths of flowing water. The axe was the only source of earning his bread and butter. This unbearable loss was a bolt from the blue for him. As he did not know what to do, he started weeping bitterly.

Meanwhile, an angel happened to pass there. He saw the woodcutter weeping and praying to God. The angel was deeply moved by the miserable condition of the woodcutter. He approached the woodcutter and asked the reason for his misery. The woodcutter sobbed out the whole sad story. He requested the angel to help him as he was the sole breadwinner of his family. The angel felt sorry for the woodcutter and assured him of his help. The angel dived into the river in order to find out the lost axe. He appeared from the water with a gold axe in his hand. But the woodcutter refused to get it and sadly that it was not his ace.

Honesty is the best chapter in the book of wisdom.

angel dived into the water for the second time. Now he appeared with an axe that was made of silver. The poor woodcutter was still sad. He shook his head still harder and implored to find out own axe that was made of iron.

No legacy is so rich as honesty.

The third time the angel came out of the water with an iron axe in his hand. Beaming with joy, the woodcutter cried on the top of his voice, “this axe belongs to me”. He thanked the angel for helping him. The angel was greatly impressed by his honesty. He gave him all the three aces as a reward of his honesty.

Possible Morals:

  1. Honesty is the best policy.
  2. Virtue is its own reward.

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Honesty is The Best Policy Story in English for FSC 1st year students

Load More In Moral Stories


  1. Aayush Sood

    October 1, 2020 at 7:22 am

    You just expanded 1 story thrice.


  2. admin

    January 30, 2022 at 2:40 pm

    Honesty is the Best Policy story samples are for students of different classes, based on difficulty level.


  3. Herchand

    October 14, 2022 at 10:08 am



  4. Herchand

    October 14, 2022 at 10:09 am

    I m interested to read these stories


  5. Aziz ur Rehman

    August 19, 2023 at 6:56 pm

    Please upload the notes of sir Rana Attique from Farooqabad


    • admin

      August 19, 2023 at 8:40 pm

      Class & Subject?


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