Home Moral Stories A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Story with Moral in English

A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Story with Moral in English


A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Moral Story for 1st Year Students

In this post, you will get A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Moral Story for 1st Year Students. You can write the same story under the title A Stitch In Time Saves Nine Story, It is No use crying over Spilt Milk Story, Story of a Careless Merchant or Haste Makes Waste Story. This Moral Story is taken from the notes of Sir Rizwan Yasin [M PHL Eng]. For more Moral Stories Visit This Link.

Moral Story A Stitch In Time Saves Nine for Class 9 and Class 11 -Story of a Careless Merchant

Once upon a time, a merchant went to a market to sell his goods. He earned a lot of money and decided to go back to his village after taking rest in an inn. The stable boy informed him that one of his horseshoes needed a nail.

The night was fast coming. The merchant thought that one nail was of no importance. So, he decided to set out on his journey without getting it mended. He had hardly travelled half the way when the horse started to limp. Its foot was badly injured.

Now, the merchant was passing through a Thick Jungle and darkness was prevailing all around. Suddenly, some robbers appeared there. He tried to gallop the horse to save himself from the robbers but all in vain. The horse could not run for want of a nailed shoe. The robbers overcame him and snatched away all his money. Then, the merchant realized that he would not have lost his hard-earned money if he had got mended the horseshoe in time. He repented deeply but it was no use crying over spilt milk.

This story proves that a stitch in time saves nine.

Moral: A Stitch In Time Saves Nine.

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A Stitch in Time Saves Nine Story in English – The Messanger and the King

A stitch in time saves nine” is an oft-quoted proverb. Once a messenger was ordered to carry some message from the king to the commander of the army. He was in a hurry. He wanted to convey the message as soon as possible.

When he rode his horse, he found that one nail was missing from the shoe of the horse. He did not pay attention to it. He thought to set it right after reaching his destination. He wanted to save time.

On the way, the second nail from the shoes slipped off. The messenger did not bother about it. At last, all the nails left the shoe. The horse could not run any longer. He became very late on the way. He was much worried. He tried to gallop the horse but it did not run for want of a nailed shoe. The horse got injured and died after some time.

The rider was also injured. He rushed towards the destination. He ran on foot. When he reached the battlefield, he found that the army had been defeated suffered this trouble. His country faced defeat for his lack of good planning.

Possible Morals:

  1. A stitch in time saves nine.

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Load More In Moral Stories

One Comment

  1. Abdullah

    December 18, 2021 at 7:45 pm

    Amazing moral story.


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