Home Moral Stories The Donkey and The Load of Salt Story with Moral in English for Kids

The Donkey and The Load of Salt Story with Moral in English for Kids


Here is a Sample Short Story The Ass and the Load of Salt in English with Moral lesson for the students of different classes. Story writing is a part of the syllabus of Class 9 and Class 11. The Donkey and the Load of Salt Story is here for the students of 1st year, especially of FSC. This is a very good bedtime story besides its importance with the point of view of education. You can write the same story under the titles, The Salt Merchant and his Ass, The Ass and the Load of Salt and The Salt Vendor and His Donkey. Moral lesson of this story is “as you sow” so shall you reap”. If you are students of junior classes and you are looking for the easy moral story then you can visit Very Short Moral Stories and if you are looking for short and long moral stories then you can visit this link.

Sample Short Story The Ass and The Load of Salt with Moral Lesson in English for Kids

A salt-merchant loaded his as with the bags of salt and took it to a village. On their journey to the village, they came across a river. The was walked into the stream. Suddenly he slipped into the water. Some water was dissolved. The weight of the salt became less. The ass felt easy and happy.

Next day, the ass repeated the trick. He purposely fell in the stream and again dissolved the salt. This caused tremendous loss to the merchant. Now the merchant resolved to teach the ass a lesson. He loaded the ass with sponges the next and drove the ass into the river. The ass, as usual, played the same trick and sat in the shallow stream. The sponges absorbed water and became heavy. The ass to his bewilderment found the load too heavy to be carried. The ass felt uneasy and discomfort. On this, the merchant gave sound being to the ass. The ass realized his foul game and mended himself. He did not play that trick again.


  • As you sow, so shall you reap.

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