Home Moral Stories Hungry Lion and the Jackal Short Story with Moral in English

Hungry Lion and the Jackal Short Story with Moral in English


Hungry Lion and the Jackal Short Story in English Writing is here for the students of different classes. This is also a very good bedtime story for little kids. I have shared Very Short Moral stories for little kids too. So, if you want very small moral stories, you can go to this post. You can write the same story under the title The Lion and the Jackal Story, Jackal and the Hungry Lion Story, Wisdom is stronger than strength story and Force is no match for the wisdom story. This story is being posted here for the students of Class 9 and Class 11. You can go to this link for more short moral stories.

Short Story Hungry Lion and the Jackal in English Written with Moral Lesson

A hungry lion ran hither and thither in search of prey. In spite of his best efforts, he was not able to find out any prey. He was exhausted and entered a jackal’s cave.

He decides to wait till evening as by that time the jackal was expected to arrive.

When the jackal returned, he smelt some hidden danger.

He thought of a trick. He said, “Hello cave, how are you?”

There was no response.

The jackal again repeated and got a reply. The lion inside now roared.

The jackal came to know about the presence of the lion. He ran away before he could fall prey to the lion.

Hungry Lion and the Jackal Moral: 

  • Force is no match for the wisdom.
  • Wisdom is better than physical strength.

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