Home Moral Stories The Camel and The Jackal Story with Moral in English

The Camel and The Jackal Story with Moral in English


Camel and Jackal Short Story in English for 1st Year, F.A, FSc Students and Kids

The Camel and the Jackal Story with Moral lesson in English writing is here for Students of Class 11. Students of 1st year who are looking for the story The Jackal and the Camel Story can prepare this Short Story for their exams. This is an important story and you can write the same story under the title, Camel and Jackal Story and  TiT for Tat Story. The moral of this story is also Tit for Tat. This is also a good bedtime Moral story. Parents who like to tell moral stories to their kids before going to bed can tell this story to their kids. If you want more moral stories for Intermediate and other classes, see Moral Stories.

jackal and Camel Story, Camel and Jackal Story, The Camel and the Jackal Story for Kids

The Jackal and the Camel Story in English Writing for Class 11

Once there lived a jackal in a jungle present on the bank of a river. There were melon fields on the other bank of the river. The melons were ripe and juicy in the summer season, and every sight of them made the jackal’s mouth watered. The jackal could not do anything because he did not know how to swim across the river and the river was deep and wide. Luckily he had friendship with a tall camel. He requested the camel to take him across the river. The camel readily agreed to it.

One day, the camel with the jackal on his back, waded through the cold water. On reaching the other bank, both of them started eating the melons. Suddenly, the jackal started to howl. The camel was taken back on hearing the noise created by the jackal. He, therefore, requested the jackal not to howl. The jackal replied that it was his habit to howl after having a meal. The villagers, on hearing the howls, came rushing to the fields with sticks in their hands. The jackal being small slipped under a bush, but the camel was caught because of his size. The villagers beat him well and drove him out of the fields.

As soon as the camel entered the river, the jackal came out from his hide-out and jumped onto the camel’s back. It angered the camel but he remained quiet. He thought to teach the jackal a good lesson. So, when he reached the middle of the river, he stopped. This thing alarmed the jackal. When he asked the reason, the camel replied that it was his habit to take a bath after getting a good beating. Saying this, he sat down in the fast-flowing river. Unable to keep his balance, the jackal fell into the river and got drowned.

The Camel and Jackal Story Moral:

Tit for Tat

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One Comment

  1. khansahab12377@gmail.com

    October 24, 2023 at 11:17 am

    This story is perfect but I want to write the story with some small and perfect quotations to get better marks so plz provide some quotes in this story thanku


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