Home English Essays Prevention is Better Than Cure Essay in English – 700+ Words

Prevention is Better Than Cure Essay in English – 700+ Words


This post contains a sample of Prevention is Better than Cure Essay in English with Outline and Quotations for the Students of Class 10 Class 12 and Graduation. However, people who are preparing for IELTS can also prepare this essay. I have sued a total of 04 quotes in the content of the Essay. This essay has been taken from the book “Pilot 303 Paragraphs & Essays for All” published by Khalid Book Depot. You can visit English Essays for more essays.

I have already shared a list of Essay topics with Quotations for students. Also, I have posted a list of essay quotations in English for those students who need only essay quotes. Students can write the same content as Essay on Prevention is better than cure with quotations or Precaution is better than cure essay with Quotes.

Essay on Prevention is Better Than Cure with Quotations and Outline for Students and IELTS


  • A very valuable maxim
  • Applies every field of life
  • Examples
  • Allah sends warnings to man as symptoms
  • Preventive measures avert disaster
  • No use crying over spilt milk
  • Prevention is better than cure

Essay Body

This aphorism has become so stereotyped that is it often neglected in practice. People would know the significance and truth contained in this saying, the world can bear the semblance of an ivory tower. Wars can be prevented, accidents can be averted, deaths can be delayed and diseases can be eradicated. The maxim signifies preventive measures before getting into trouble rather than repenting and thinking out the means of getting out of trouble afterwards. But more often we keep the door open for evil to enter. Closing the stable door after the horse is stolen is of no use. The proverb teaches us to shut the door in time and to be immune from approaching harm, loss and danger. Of course, it must be acknowledged that there are many incidents that cannot be avoided. But after all, there is no harm in adopting precautionary and preventive measures before the calamity starts ravaging us.

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – (Benjamin Franklin)

The truth of this saying can also be discerned in our everyday life. If vaccination is taken beforehand, polio or infantile paralysis — a fatal disease, can be averted. If proper steps are taken in formative years, many pitfalls that may prove mortal in the coming time can be averted. Every evil should be nipped in the bud, so that its progress may be checked in time.

The Chinese have implicit faith in the saying that prevention is better than cure. It is said, in China doctor is kept in fee so long as the family enjoyed perfect health. As soon as a member of the family falls ill, the allowance of the doctor is stopped, because they hold the view that the business of the doctor is to keep people healthy and not to treat them when they are ill.

“The aim of the medicine is to prevent disease and prolong life, the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need of physician.” – (William James Mayo)

As in disease, so in other things, prevention is better than cure. It is better to check the onslaught of hunger and population explosion than cope with it when its ravages are observed in the whole country. It is better to avoid temptations than think of overcoming them when they get hold of us. So, It is better to put out a spark of fire than think of extinguishing the blazing fire after it has burnt the house to ashes. It is better never to touch a chalice of wine than take a vow of abstaining from it afterwards. Similarly, for the building up of our character, it is necessary to take repressive measures against evil hab its in the beginning rather than allow them to grow and try to eradicate them afterwards.

The breach of the golden rule of “prevention is better than cure” is attended with dire and grave consequences in all walks of life. In politics also the same truth holds much water. Suppose an uprising or sedition begins to show itself among the people. What should a wise statesman do? Should he let the seditious elements to continue the activities of their plunder and pillage or should he try to quell it with an iron hand? No, he should at once take steps to pacify the disgruntled elements. but if he sits silent, serious consequences might result. Take the case of the French Revolution. The French public groaned under arbitrary taxes and the humiliation of serfdom. They were denied the privileges enjoyed by the clergy and the nobles. No steps were taken by the ruling junta to alleviate their sufferings and redress their grievances. The feeling of revolt went on the smouldering and gathering force until at last it could not be extinguished and enveloped the entire country into the conflagration.

“Diseases can rarely be eliminated through early diagnosis or good treatment, but prevention can eliminate the disease.” – (Denis Burkitt)

It is the law of God that no catastrophe comes without portending its symptoms. God has given man intellect, prudence and foresight to pay timely heed to the dangers and disasters and to prevent them before they raze him to the ground. If this is done, many of the ills of human life can be avoided. But due to slothfulness and inertia, he pays no heed to the warning of danger and allows it to overwhelm him. Can there be a more idiotic and ruinous course of action than this? Many primitive human races fell victim to celestial visitation simply because of the reason that they paid no heed to the prophetic warnings of the wrath of God. Why should a man sleep an unconscious sleep and bewail and lament afterwards his house has been sacked and plundered.

To distort the facts to conform to the opinions has become well-nigh irresistible.” – (Robert a Millikan)


Why is prevention is Better than Cure?

Prevention is better than cure. It’s not only cheaper but also free sometimes. If proper steps are taken in formative years, many pitfalls that may prove mortal in the coming time can be averted. Similarly, if vaccinations are taken properly and beforehand, they can avoid many future diseases.

Is prevention always better than cure?

Of course, it must be acknowledged that there are many incidents that cannot be avoided. But after all, there is no harm in adopting precautionary and preventive measures before the calamity starts ravaging us.

Who said prevention is better than cure?

This proverb is often used to show the importance of prevention or precautions. It is used as “there is no use to cry over spilt milk”. We can use it in a sentence like, I know doing this is not easy, but prevention is better than cure. The phrase ‘prevention is better than cure’ is often attributed to the Dutch philosopher Desiderius Erasmus.

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