Home English Essays Students and Social Service Essay with Quotations

Students and Social Service Essay with Quotations


This post contains, Students and Social Service Essay with Quotations for Class 12 students. The essay will explain how students have potential to serve the humanity by rendering social services. This essay has been taken from Kips Notes. I have already shared Essays with quotations for FSC Part 2 students. However, students who have their own essay content and looking for Essay Quotations, should visit Quotations for Essays.

Essay on Students and Social Service with Quotations

“Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness. And do not assist each other in acts of sinfulness and transgression. And be aware of Allah”.(Surah Al-Maaidah, V2)

Man is a social animal by nature. He cannot live alone in society. Society is something that precedes the individual. He requires the help of other men and he should help others. If a man does some good service to society or a particular individual or individuals, he does social service. A man falls ill. He has nobody to look after him. If someone looks after him during his illness, he renders social service to that person.

“You must never be fearful about what you are doing when it is right”. — Rosa Parks

Students, being a part of the social setup, have also their duties towards society. Students are the future citizens of the country and have different roles to play. Though they should devote a greater part of their time to attending to their studies, they should spend a portion of their time in the service of the people. It is useless to say that they get much time for merrymaking, playing, amusements, touring etc. apart from their routine of studies. Students should cultivate the spirit of serving the humanity from the very formative stage.

Nowadays elderly men of the family have to struggle hard to maintain their families. They can hardly make time to think of others. In this respect, students have greater scope to render social service. Besides studies, they have ample time for games, sports and amusements. They can better utilize a portion of their leisure in rendering some useful service to society. They can do it individually or in groups.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”. — Helen Keller

Students can render social service in many ways. In Pakistan, most people are illiterate. During their leisure hours, students in groups can take upon themselves the task of teaching illiterate people. Small night schools may be set up in their locality for this purpose. If they earnestly do it, illiteracy may be removed. It will be boing great service to society, because illiteracy is a great obstacle in the way of improvement of society. Ignorant people do not know the laws of health and sanitation. As a result they fall victim to many diseases. If the students can teach them how to observe the laws of health and sanitation, they may be free from the attack of these diseases. They will then learn to live in a better way. It is a great social service for the uplift of the country.

“The world of achievement has always belonged to the optimist.” — J. Harold Wilkins

Besides these, there are many other ways to show their love towards the country by rendering social services to people. A famine breaks out or a flood or earthquake devastates a part of the country. It is then the duty of all, especially the students, to help the distressed people. Relief organizations are formed to help them. Students should be volunteers in these organizations. They will collect subscriptions, clothes, food, medicines and building materials. They will go to the spot and help the suffering people with all these things. A helpless person dies. Students may cremate the dead body. This is a social service.

Sometimes there are big social, religious, political or other gatherings. People assemble there in large numbers. Students can render useful social services by helping these people in various ways. During long vacations students may go to villages and do many constructive works themselves, such as making roads, re-digging neglected ponds, clearing jungles, building schools, houses, etc. with the help of the villagers.

“In recognizing the humanity of our fellow beings, we pay ourselves the highest tribute”. — Thurgood Marshall

Students are a great source of strength for the country. They have new ideas, energy and power to work. If they are rightly guided, they can render a very valuable service to society. There must be selfless leaders to make the right use of them. Under proper guidance and noble inspiration, they can work wonders. Students have a spirit to work but the guardians and teachers should guide them in the right way. Social services can be safely managed if they can be guided properly. Our leaders should guide them in the right way.

“One person can make a difference, and everyone should try”. — J.F Kennedy

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