Home English Essays A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever Essay – 1000 Words

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever Essay – 1000 Words


Essay on A Thing of Beauty is Joy Forever with Outline and Quotations

In this post I am sharing, A Thing of Beauty is a Joy for Ever Essay with Outline and Quotations. This is a long English Essay containing more than 1000 words. The essay is about John Keats Poem “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever”. At the start of the essay, I am sharing some Outlines to remember the points. There is Hadith at the start of the essay. Also, I have shared some quotations and poetry in it. Essay on a thing of beauty is a joy forever is being shared for college students.

If you want more essays with quotations, visit this link. However, if you want only Quotations, then don’t forget to check English Essay Quotations.


  • Introduction (value and importance)
  • Evidence from the remote past
  • Universal phenomenon
  • Man’s love for the beauties of nature
  • The impact of beauty on poets and writers
  • Beauty, as a source of recreation
  • A source of escape from the harsh realities of life
  • Beauty and God
  • Sources of beauty in the world
  • Keat’s views
  • Conclusion

Essay Body

“Allah is beautiful and he loves beauty.” – Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم)

Beauty is the most fascinating boon that divinity offers to mankind. It is imposingly appreciable in every form. Beauty rather serves as the lifeblood for our dying souls and degenerating morale. It surely affords sublime ideals and aspirations and intellectually justifies human existence in this phenomenal universe. Moreover, beauty does enjoy its unique association with fame, hope, power, truth, greatness, gentleness and piety. There is no denying that without beauty, human life would have been doomed to extinction long long ago.

“Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all, Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know” – (John Keats)

People living in different parts of the world differ from one another in respect of language, food, habits, dress and social manners. However, they show great similarity in love for beauty, both of nature and human form. Right from the times when men lived in the caves, he had developed an eye for the beauty of shapes and forms. The earliest cave paintings depicting animals and trees are a standing tribute to caveman’s love for beauty. The history of civilization is not only the history of scientific discoveries and inventions, it is also the history of the development of man’s sense of beauty. All the artistic creations are man’s attempts to eternalize the joy evoked by the sights and sounds of beautiful things.

“Art has given them a lasting durability and so links the ages together.” – (Compton Rickett)

Beautiful objects and things evoke different responses from different types of people. Almost all the people of the world would like to have beautiful things. Man’s love for gems and precious stones demonstrates his strong desire for obtaining things of lasting beauty. Rich women perpetuate their happiness by collecting beautiful gems and diamonds. The devotees of art love to collect beautiful paintings. The worshipers of nature always remain eager to have a look at the beautiful objects of nature.

“And there were gardens bright with simuous rills,
Where blossomed many an incense bearing trees;
And here were forests ancient as the hills,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.”
Coleridge, (Kubla Khan)

Nature does provide an unending feast of beautiful objects to the onlookers. The beauty of the sunrise, the sunset, the full moon, the rainbow verily delights the senses and inspires a lot of poets and painters to celebrate the beautiful phenomena of nature. The wave of joy spreads from the artist to the readers and onlookers. So there is no denying that the things of beauty enshrined in art truly become the source of permanent joy.

“A thing of beauty is a joy forever,
Its loveliness increases; it will never
Pass into nothingness.” (John Keats)

Beautiful sights and sounds of nature not only provide immediate pleasure to man, but they also leave an everlasting impression on his mind. Recollection of these impressions keeps on providing joy in the years to come. Wordsworth used to explore the valleys, meadows, forests, streams, lakes, rivers and mountains in order to have a look at beautiful objects of nature. The supreme sight of dancing daffodils during such travels left an indelible impression on his memory as is evident from the following lines:

“For oft when on my couch I Lie,
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.” (Wordsworth)

Exquisite aspects of nature have a great power of curing a man of depression and uplifting his spirits. That is the reason people take a break from the soul-killing environment of big cities and come as devout pilgrims to the shrine of mother nature. The sight of lakes, trees, rivers and mountains refreshes the mind and body of the visitors. They surely perform their life tasks more efficiently than before.

“The sounding cataract,
Haunted me like a passion; the tall rock,
The mountain, and the deep and gloomy wood,
Their colours and their forms were then to me
An appetite.” (Wordsworth)

Human life is full of problems, troubles griefs and miseries. The ups and downs of life discourage and dishearten not only the poor and the weak but also the rich and the strong. Sometimes all the riches and comforts of life fail to console the suffering humanity. Only the beauty of nature provides relief in such circumstances. It enables man to forget his petty self and petty problems. John Keats has referred to the healing power of beautiful objects of nature in the opening lines of his long poem, namely “Endymion”

“……….; but still will keep
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep full of
Sweet dreams, and health and quiet breathing.”

Keats is admittedly the great worshiper of beauty in English literature. The devout worship of beauty is the stark message and motivation of his poetry. Keats considers beauty something immortal. He is of the opinion that beauty sustains us. It solaces us. Though man’s life is transient, the art he creates is immortal. That which is engraved on Grecian urn will remain as a source of joy for generations. Like Tennyson’s Book,

“Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever.”

Beauty always induces a sense of forgetfulness in persons who are sensitive towards beauty. True beauty takes man away from the harsh realities of life and links him with eternity. A beautiful thing shares its essence with the essence of God which is eternal and everlasting.


Briefly, beauty in every form compels attention and exercises fascination. It is only the pursuit of beauty that motivates millions of tourists from all over the world to visit northern areas of Pakistan, the Taj Mahal of India, the Pyramids of Egypt, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the picture of the Mona Lisa in Paris and the Statue of Liberty in New York. The tourists spend money in order to see the beauty and wonders of the world. So, the element of beauty brings people of various nations together and creates a bond between them. Great art and splendid architecture of the world virtually several the universal love of beauty among humankind.


Why is a thing of beauty a joy forever?

Answer: John Keats is a famous poet. He wrote the poem “A thing of beauty is a Joy Forever. According to him, it is a constant source of happiness and pleasure.

What is the Quote “A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever”?

Answer: Its loveliness increases; It will never Pass into nothingness.”

Who said a thing of beauty is a joy forever?

Answer: “Johan Keats” a famous poet. This is the title of his poem.

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