Home Moral Stories The Lion and the Mouse Story with Moral Lesson in English

The Lion and the Mouse Story with Moral Lesson in English


Short Story The Lion and the Mouse in English with Moral for Class 9, Class 12, 2nd year

The Lion and the Mouse Story with Moral Lesson in English is here for those who like bedtime fables. This is a short story for students of Class 9 and Class 12 students. Student of 2nd Year of Intermediate, especially FSC Students like long stories. By going to our Moral Stories Section you may find long moral stories for FSC, ICom, ICS and FA students. However, if you are a student of matric, you may check Very Short Stories for Kids. Lion and Mouse short story could be written under many titles like Kindness never goes unrewarded story, Story about Friends, Forgiveness is the best way of revenge story, do good have good story, etc.

The Mouse and the Lion Moral Story in English Written

Lion and mouse story with moral, Lion and mouse story in english, Mouse and Lion Story

They say, once a lion was sleeping under a tree. A mouse ran over the body of the king of the forest and disturbed him in his sleep. The lion was very much annoyed. He took the mouse in his paw and was ready to crush it. The mouse begged for mercy and gave excuses that he had run over him unintentionally. The lion was very much pleased to hear the mercy petition of the mouse. He let the mouse free.

Sometimes later, the same lion was caught in the net of hunters. The net was very tough. “Despite putting all his efforts, the lion could not free himself. He roared and roared. The mouse came out and saw the strings of the net slowly and steadily. Soon the lion got free before the hunters came.

Lion and Mouse Story Moral Lesson:

  • Kindness never goes unrewarded.
  • Make as many friends as you can.
  • Forgiveness is the best way of revenge.
  • Virtue is its own reward.
  • Tit for tat.
  • Do good, have good.

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One Comment

  1. Education

    October 7, 2023 at 9:53 pm

    This is a great story with a moral lesson. I love how the mouse is so clever and the lion is so big and strong, but in the end the mouse wins.


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