Home English Report Writing Report Writing Example on Inflation and its Effects

Report Writing Example on Inflation and its Effects


Write a Survey Report on Inflation and its Effects with your suggestions and Conclusions. P.U. 2007

Here is a report on Inflation and its Effects for the students of BSC and other people who are seeking for Online Report Writing Examples. Previously, this report was in the exams of Punjab University in the year 2007. So, report on price hike is important for exams. You may also like Report on Petrol Price Hike.

Report Writing Example on Inflation and its Effects for BSC Students

Date: June 20, 2010


The Editor,
The Dawn.

From: A Social Worker X.Y.Z.

Subject: Inflation and its effects.



The prices of necessities of life are rising constantly. This has made everybody unhappy and sad in the country. I have prepared a report about rising of prices of different things. I want to enlighten the public opinion about it.

The process of inflation is continuous:

the process of rising of prices goes on in our country unchecked. There is no one to control it. The mischief begins when the prices of petrol and electricity are increased without taking stock of the condition of the poor people of the county. This year, the price of petrol has been increased to 35%. It has imbalanced everything. The tariffs of electricity have been increased to 26% on the advice of the I.M.F and World Bank. The increase of rates in the energy sector has shaken the very foundations of society.

Daily provisions:

The daily provisions of life gain a momentum in their prices when the prices of petrol and electricity are increased. They have just become doubles. Ghee, atta, pulses, vegetables, meat, sugar and rice have gone out of the reach of common man. More than five cror of people in our country are living below the line of poverty. The number is increasing day by day.

Bad Effects:

  • People who cannot afford to live even a simple life are tempted to earn their livelihood by means of unfair means.
  • Poverty drives them to beg, borrow or steal.
  • The shopkeepers and businessmen are very cruel people. They resort to hoarding and black marketing.
  • The Govt. servants become corrupt. They accept bribes to maintain the high standard of living.


The prices of petrol and tariffs of electricity must be controlled.

  1. More industries should be set up to fulfil the needs of people in every field of life.
  2. The Govt. must evolve a mechanism to help the prices of daily use of life under control


Social Worker (X.Y.Z)

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