Home English Report Writing Report Writing Example on Load-Shedding from a Social Worker

Report Writing Example on Load-Shedding from a Social Worker


Report on Load Shedding by a Social Worker to Manager Wapda for BSC Students

In this post, you can practice an example of report writing on Load Shedding. This report on Load Shedding is from a Social worker to Manager Wapda. In this report, the student will discuss the condition of load shedding and will also give suggestions about how to overcome this national problem.

Write a Report to the Manager Wapda about the Load Shedding, from a Social Worker for BSC Students

Dated: May 8, 2010


The Manager,
Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda),

From: A Social Worker.

Subject: Report on Load Shedding



Being a social worker, I am greatly shocked to see the excessive power breakdown in the country. This has made everybody cheerless and unhappy. I have prepared a report on load shedding for the guidance of the public and the authorities. I submit the report as under:

Electric energy is of utmost importance for the survival of modern life. The prosperity of a country is directly linked with the supply of energy. Electricity is needed in every sector of modern life. The working of railways, hospitals, business centres, entirely dependent on electricity. Without electricity our farms and industry stop production.

Sources of electricity:

We generate electricity from water, oil, coal and gas. The electricity generated by water is always cheap. But unfortunately, we have failed to build dams, which are the main source of storing water and generating electricity. Electricity generated by oil, gas and coal is very costly. We have failed to build Kala Bag Dam, which is considered the biggest source of generating electricity.

The demand of Electricity:

The demand of electricity is increasing in the country due to the increasing demand for production. The expansion of industry entirely depends on electricity. The use of electricity increases in summer. The use of air conditioners is increasing every year.

The measures to save energy have badly failed. People use electricity as generously as possible. The entire nation suffers from indiscipline.

Measures to overcome load shedding.

  • The following measures should be adopted to fight against energy crisis.
  • The generation of electricity can be increased by setting up more power stations.
  • We should build more dams to store water and generate electricity at cheap rates.
  • Nuclear energy should be used as a major source of energy.
  • Solar energy should be made popular.
  • A campaign on electricity media should be started to save energy by all means.



Social Worker A.B.C

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