Home English Letter Writing Letter to your friend congratulating him on his recovery from illness

Letter to your friend congratulating him on his recovery from illness


In this post, you will learn how to write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his recovery from illness. This is a sample letter for students of Class 9, Class 10 and Class 11. They can learn this letter as part of their studies course. However, people who are looking forward to attempting IELTS can also prepare this letter for practice. In this, example letter to a friend, you will congratulate him on his recovery from illness using beautiful words in English. Visit This Link for more English Letters.

Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his recovery from illness – Sample Letter

Address: _______
City: _________
Dated: ________

My dear friend,

It was yesterday when I received a letter from Ansar. He has written to me that you have now recovered almost fully from your illness. It has really given me the food of joy. I wanted to see you but due to heavy rush of work, it is not possible for me to take leave at present.

Please accept my hearty congratulations on your recovery. I also thank Almighty for having freed you from confinement to bed. I pray to Him to grant you a healthy and long life.

Kindly convey my regards to your parents.

Yours affectionately,
Akbar Ali.

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