Home English Letter Writing Letter to your Father Telling him What you Want To Become in Future

Letter to your Father Telling him What you Want To Become in Future


This is an example letter to Your Father telling Him What you Want to Become in Future. This letter is for the students of 1st year. Students of class 11 have a choice between letter and application. Those students who intend to choose English Letter for their Intermediate English Paper can practice this letter. For more English letters you can visit this link.

Write a Letter to Your Father telling him what you intend to do in Future – English Notes for Class 11

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C.
May 17, 2021.

My dear Father,

I received your kind letter yesterday. As you know that this is an age of the computer. Every field of life is being computerized. Therefore, I have decided to do BCS after my intermediate. It has a bright future as still there are a few persons who have qualified this course. There is no unemployment in this field yet. I have joined a computer college in order to get training for operating a computer. It is very interesting and I am enjoying it. Please pray for my success.

Yours affectionately,


Letter to father example, Sample letter to father, Letter to your father telling him your future plans

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