Home English Letter Writing Write a Letter to Your Friend Requesting Him to Lend You Some Books For Examination

Write a Letter to Your Friend Requesting Him to Lend You Some Books For Examination


Here is a letter on the Topic “Informal Letter to Your Friend requesting him to lend you some books.” We try to post always quality material on ilmiHub. This is an important letter for examinations of 1st Year and Graduation. However, outstanding students can get benefit from this Informal Letter Example. But if any student of 8th class is here and looking for Informal Letters for Class 8 then you can Vist This Link. For More, you can visit English Letter Writing.

Write a letter to your friend requesting him to lend You some books for 9th Class, First year and Graduation – Informal Letter Format

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C,
May 13, 2017.

Dear Friend,

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am glad to know that you have passed your S.S.C examination with distinction. You have been a shining student throughout. I know that you have a good taste in books. I am thinking about improving my English. You talked once about your fine collection of English novels and plays. I want to have a good expertise in this language. You know I have always welcomed your advice about books. Today, I am going to give you the same trouble again. I am currently enjoying holidays in my native village. Resultantly, I am cut off from town life and libraries. I do not have any reading material here and feel completely bored. Would it be possible for you to send me half-a-dozen of best-sellers on fiction or religion? I would divert myself by reading English novels and plays and enrich my mind by reading some serious literature.

I shall try to avail myself of these books to the maximum. Of course, I assure you that I shall take care of your English books and I shall try to return them as early as possible. I hope you will oblige me.

Thank you in anticipation,

Yours sincerely,


Letter to Your Friend Requesting Him to Send You Some Books Previously in Exams:-

Gujranwala 2013 Group -I

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