Home Application Writing English Applications for 1st Year Students – Class 11 Kips Notes

English Applications for 1st Year Students – Class 11 Kips Notes


1st Year English Applications Notes – 08 Specimens

In this post, I am sharing English Applications for 1st year students of F.A / FSC. Class 11 students have a choice to choose writing an application on the given topic or to choose letter writing. This post is for those students who choose writing English Application in Annual Exams. I always try to post quality educational notes for students of all classes. Here are 8 examples of English Application writing for 1st year students. These are the most frequent applications asked in previous exams. I cannot guaranty that there will be an application in exams from given applications but I assure you if you prepare these 8 applications, you will get good marks from application writing. I have already shared many English Applications samples and If you need application other than these topics, visit this link. These are

List of Outstanding and Important English Applications for First Year Student of F.A / FSC

  • Application to the principal for character certificate
  • Application to the Principal for re-admission to college
  • Application to the principal for apologizing for your misconduct
  • Application to the principal for the remission of fine
  • Application to the principal for two day’s leave
  • Application to the Principal for change of subjects
  • Application to the principal for fee concession
  • An application to the principal for grant of scholarship

English applications, Application Samples, English Application Writing, Application Writing notes

1. Sample Application to the Principal for character certificate for Class 11 students

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I submit that I need my character certificate as I am applying for admission to the Engineering University.

I got admission to your esteemed college on merit and I passed my intermediate examination with pre-engineering subjects, I got 92% marks and won the fourth position in the class.

My academic and co-curricular record is as follows:-

i)    My academic session in this college was 2008-2009.
ii)   I passed all the house examinations with excellent marks.
iii)  I was never fined for any misconduct, and my attendance was 98%.
iv)  I was a member of the college cricket team.
v)   I participated in all college debates and won the first and second positions.

All my teachers at college considered me a representative student for the college. I request you to issue my character certificate, mentioning all my academic and extra-curricular achievements in it.

July 23, 2010

Yours obediently,

One more example of an application for character certificate is available here.

2. Sample application to the principal for re-admission to college

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I submit that my name has been struck off the college rolls due to my absence from college for two weeks.

I am sorry that I could not inform the college office before leaving the city as I had an emergency. I received a telephone call in the evening about the heart attack of my uncle. I had to leave for Multan at once as there was no one else to attend on him in the hospital. I cared for him for a week, but unfortunately, he could not survive. I had to stay a few days more in Multan as my father was to come from abroad for the funeral rites.

Keeping in view my past record and good behaviour, I request you earnestly to readmit me. I assure you that in future I shall be careful.

March 5, 2010.

Yours obediently,

Another Readmission Application to the principle is posted here.

3. Application to the Principal for apologizing for your misconduct – Example Application for 1st year students

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I admit my fault that I misbehaved in the class and I seek apology for the same. Here is the detail of what happened in the class.

I was talking to my class fellow during the lecture. The teacher saw me and asked me to stand at the back of the class. I felt insulted and lost my good sense. I started to argue with him loudly which I should not have done.

I am ashamed of my misconduct now. I have also apologized to my teacher for my misbehaviour. Since the incident has been reported to you, I humbly request you to pardon me this time and give me a chance to improve myself and show good conduct. I assure you that I shall behave myself in future.

November 5, 2010

Yours obediently,

Click here for 1 more sample of Application to Principal Apologizing for Misconduct.

4. Wite an application to the Principal for Remission of Fine for Class 11th Students

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I submit that I have been fined five hundred rupees for remaining absent from college for a week. I am sorry that I could not send in my application for sick leave or intimate the college office about my illness.

In fact, I was not feeling well, and the doctor diagnosed that I was suffering from a contagious skin disease. He advised me to take complete bed rest and apply ointment after every four hours.

My father is a government servant and he was on an official tour during my illness. So, there was no one at home to submit the application. I am now perfectly all right. My medical certificate is attached to the application.

I request you to consider my application on sympathetic grounds and remit my fine.

December 10, 2010

Yours obediently,

You can click here for 02 samples of application for remission of fine to the principle. Alsi can visit this for remission application for college students.

5. An Application to the Principal for two days’ leave for 11th Class Students

The Principal,

Government College,


With due respect, I submit that I have to attend on my uncle in the hospital for two days. He is a heart patient and is going to have heart surgery tomorrow. His only son is abroad and will come to Pakistan in a few days. There is no one else to care for him except me. So, my parents have advised me to attend on him for two days.

I, therefore, request you to grant me leave for two days. I have discussed my problem with my teachers. They will help me to make up for the loss of my lectures when I come back.
Thanks in anticipation.

Mpve,ber 15, 2021

Yours obediently,

You may also like:

  1. Application for Sick Leave to Principle
  2. One day leave application to the Principle

6. Write an Application to the Principal for change of subjects – Notes 1st-year students

The Principal,
Government College,


with due respect, I submit that I want to change one of my subjects. I opted for mathematics but now I want to take up biology.

In fact, my father is an engineer and he urged me to become an electrical engineer. I could not refuse him at the time of admission. But now, after a month I realize that my choice of mathematics was wrong, I do not have the aptitude for the subject. I have to passion for the medical profession. I have always been interested in medical subjects.

I, therefore, request you to allow me to change mathematics for biology. I shall do my best to make up for the lectures which I have missed.

September 5, 2021

Yours obediently,

7. An Application to the Principal for fee concession for first-year students

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I submit that I want to get admission to your prestigious college. I scored 940 Marks in Matriculation Examination. My father is a retired government servant. His pension is only six thousand rupees per month. He is too old to work. We have no other source of income. Moreover, my younger brother and sister are also students. So, it is almost impossible for him to bear my educational expenses.

I request you for full fee concession so that I may continue my studies. I shall try my best to get some position in college and Board Examination.

I hope that you will consider my request on sympathetic grounds. I shall be grateful to you for this act of kindness.

September 15, 2021

Yours obediently,

you should also go here for more application on this topic.

8. Wite an Application to the principal for grant of scholarship – 1st year Notes

The Principal,
Government College,


With due respect, I submit that I need the scholarship to continue my education.

My father is a retired government servant. His pension is very small and he does not have any other source of income. My brothers and sisters are also students. they are getting the education on merit scholarships. My father is a heart patient, so he cannot do any job. He is unable to bear my education expenses.

I, therefore, request you to grant me the scholarship so that I may continue my studies. I promise that I shall do my best to get some position in the board exam. My previous academic record is excellent, and I have got good marks.

I hope you will consider my request on sympathetic grounds.

March 5, 2021

Yours obediently,

Kips academy is one of the leading academies of Pakistan. Their content is awesome and they are producing very bright students. I am sure you will like these applications. However, if you have decided to go for application writing in the exam, then you should visit English Letter writing notes for 1st year students.

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