Home Application Writing Apology Letter | Application to Principal Apologizing for Misconduct

Apology Letter | Application to Principal Apologizing for Misconduct


Write an Application to the Principal of your college apologizing for your Misbehaviour in Class | Sorry Letter to Principal

In this post, you will find an example of writing to Principal a Letter or application apologizing for misconduct in class. Write the same content if the question is write a letter or application on, apology letter to principal for misbehaving in class, Application to Principal apologizing for misconduct in class, Sorry letter to a teacher for misbehaving in class.

Application Apologizing for Misconduct in Class

The Principal,
Govt. College,

Subject: an application for apologizing misconduct.

Venerable Sir,

With due respect, it is submitted that I am student of Class 11 in this college. I admit that I misbehaved in the class. I was doing my sums that a class-fellow stroked me from behind. I was sick and got annoyed. I moved my hand back to ward off any further mischief. The teacher caught sight of me. It was natural to reprimand me for creating a disturbance. I was not a fault as I had not initiated it. I could not control my sentiments. I got rash and argued with the teacher loudly. I am ashamed of my conduct.

My chemistry teacher has already reported it to you. I have narrated the whole incident to you. It was my sickness that I short-tempered. It is the company of my ill-mannered class-mates that has spoiled my habits. Now I will keep my self away from them. I will not repeat this mistake again. I have also apologized to my teacher. I hope that you will pardon me this time and give me a chance to reform and improve my habits and conduct.

Yours obediently,


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