Home Application Writing Sample Fee Concession Application in English to Principal

Sample Fee Concession Application in English to Principal


How to write an application for full fee concession?

Here are 02 samples of Fee Concession Application in English to Principal for the students of 1st year. Especially students of Class 9, 10, 11 and 12 will learn how to write an application to principal for full fee concession in English. If you are a student, you can write the same application sample if the question is to write an application on, application for remission of school fees, full fee concession application in English. You can visit English Applications for more samples.

When it comes to writing application for fee concession it’s not very tough. The pattern of the application is the same as other simple applications. You will write everything like other applications and in the body of the application, you will write the financial circumstances of your family and the reason, why you cannot pay your fee. In the end, you will request for concession in fee. Hereunder you can see 3 specimens.

Write an Application to the Principal for Full Fee Remission in English writing for Class 9, 10, 11 & 12

The Headmaster/Principal,
School/College Name,
City Name.

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, I beg to say that I am a student of class IX of your school. I belong to a family that is very poor. My father is a clerk in a government office and gets a very small salary. He has a large family to support.

I have a great interest in studies. It is very difficult for me to continue my studies. In every examination, I pass with flying colours. I am in the good books of all the teachers and they have a very good opinion of me. I have also won school-crest in hockey.

Kindly grant me full fee concession. I promise that I shall try to increase the prestige of the school.

I shall be extremely grateful to you for this act of kindness.

Yours obediently

Abid Ali
Class IX,
October 3, 2002.

Sample Application for Fee Concession in English for 1st year – fee concession letter

The Headmaster/Principal,
School/College Name,
City Name.

Subject: Application for Full Fee Concession

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, it is stated that I am studying in (write your class name) of your school/college. I have passed 1st-year exams with very good numbers in all the books. My father is an honest government servant. He is not able to support our whole family with his salary. My grandparents are also living with us. Besides me, my two younger brothers and two sisters are also studying in your school/college. In this situation, my father is not able to pay my school/college fee.

Keeping in view my financial position,  it is, therefore, requested that a full fee concession may be granted to me, otherwise I will not be in a position to continue my education. Please understand my problems sympathetically.

Yours Obediently,
Students Name,
Roll No.____

Simple and Easy Application for Fee Concession Specimen

The Headmaster/Principal,
School/College Name,
City Name.

Subject: Fee Concession Application

Respected Sir,

I am a student of (write your class here) of your school. My father is a farmer. His income is very small and he has to support a big family. So, he cannot pay my school fee.

I am very good at studies. Last year, I have passed the annual exams with flying colours. You are requested to kindly grant me full fee concession so that I could continue my studies.

Thank you.

Yours Obediently,
Students Name,
Roll No.____

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