Home Application Writing Application for Fee Concession to Principal | 2 Examples

Application for Fee Concession to Principal | 2 Examples


Write a Fee Concession Application to Principal in English for 1st Year

Here are 02 examples on the application for fee concession for students. The first one is a standard application for Class 11 and the end one is for easy and class 8. Students can write the same application if the question is, application format for fee concession, application for fee concession format, sample fee concession application, application for fee concession in college, application for fee concession in school.

An application for full fee Concession to the Principal for Class 11| Example 1 (Standard)

The Principal,
Govt. College,

Subject: Application for Full Fee Concession

Venerable Sir,

With due respect, I wish to state that I am students of the first year (Pre. Medical) in your well-renowned college. I have acquired grade A+ in my S.S. Examination.

I belong to an indigent family. My father is a poor farmer. He manages to send me some money with great difficulty. He has to support a family of six members. He is the only breadwinner. My parents, being poor, are not in a position to bear my educational expenses. I am showing good performance in the class and college tests.

In view of the position, as explained above, I would request you to grant me full fee concession so that I may continue my studies.

Hoping my request will be acceded to. Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours obediently,


Application for the Grant of Educational Stipend and Free Concession (Easy) | Example 2

The Headmaster / Headmistress,
Govt. Hight School


Respectfully I beg to state that my father is a watchman. He gets a low amount of  Rs. 8000/- per month salary. He has to support a large family of seven members. We are living from hand to mouth. It is very difficult for him to pay my fee. I am a regular, punctual, hardworking and brilliant student of your school. I have passed all examinations with credit.

In the light of the facts stated above, I request you kindly grant me full fee concession and a stipend of Rs.1000/- per month. I shall be very thankful to you for this favour.

Yours obediently,

Date: 09 March 2018

The 2nd application is taken from Hamdard Imtehani for Class 8. You may also like Application for Urgent Piece of Work at home.

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