Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English Ruba’iyat Poem MCQs & Synonyms Quiz

11th English Ruba’iyat Poem MCQs & Synonyms Quiz


Here I am sharing, Ruba’iyat Pom MCQs and Synonyms Quiz Note for Class 11 Students. This poem contains 3 stanzas. Links to the relevant notes of this poem are available at the end of this post. Allama Muhammad Iqbal wrote these Rubaiyat. I have taken Rubaiyat Poem MCQs notes from Kips Notes. At ilmihub, you can get 1st Year Book 3 notes as well as 11th English Book 1 notes. Students will notice that the educational material is of good quality.

1st Year English Poem 12 Ruba’iyat by Allama Muhammad Iqbal Solved MCQs

Here are 10 comprehenstion-based multiple choice qustions from 1st year english poem 12 Ruba’iyat.

What kind of faith should we have?

(A) like Ibrahim (A.S)
(B) like Moses
(C) like Joseph
(D) like Noah

(A) like Ibrahim (A.S)

Faith is self honouring and _________.

(A) soul-stirring
(B) God drunk
(C) captivating

(B) God drunk

To have no faith is worse than _________.

(A) salvation
(B) capitulation
(C) bravery
(D) slavery

(C) bravery

Music of strange lands with Islam’s _________ blends.

(A) fire
(B) songs
(C) rules
(D) loyalty

(A) fire

Music of strange lands with Islam’s fire _________.

(A) blends
(B) mends
(C) enhances
(D) scatters

(A) blends

Empty of concord is the _________ of Europe.

(A) land
(B) music
(C) soul
(D) faith

(C) soul

Love’s madness has _________.

(A) resisted
(B) departed
(C) retained
(D) join

(B) departed

In the Muslims’ veins the blood runs _________.

(A) thin
(B) coagulated
(C) think
(D) slippery

(A) thin

Ranks broken, hearts perplexed, prayers _________.

(A) cold
(B) told
(C) bold
(D) mould

(A) cold

No feeling deeper than the _________.

(A) faith
(B) prayers
(C) skin
(D) head

(C) skin

Synonyms Based MCQs

Here are 10 synonyms-based objective type questions taken from Rubaiyat Poem.

Faith is like Ibrahim (A.S) at stake.

(A) belief
(B) honour
(C) earnestness
(D) hope

(A) belief

….. whom this age’s way so captivate!

(A) repel
(B) condemn
(C) fascinate
(D) cursed

(C) fascinate

To have no faith is worse than slavery.

(A) Bound age
(B) courage
(C) misery
(D) dishonour

(A) Bound age

Music of strange land with Islam’s fire blends.

(A) merges
(B) apart
(C) breaks
(D) diverge

(A) merges

….. On which the nation’s harmony depends.

(A) concord
(B) success
(C) glory
(D) decline

(A) concord

Empty of concord is the soul of Europe.

(A) harmony
(B) difference
(C) enmity
(D) charity

(A) harmony

….. whose civilization to no Makkah bends.

(A) culture
(B) life
(C) support
(D) intellect

(A) culture

Love’s madness has departed.

(A) ended
(B) visible
(C) appeared
(D) increased

(A) ended

Ranks broken, hearts perplexed, prayers cold.

(A) fiery
(B) calm
(C) confused
(D) sinful

(C) confused

Ranks broken, hearts perplexed, prayers cold.

(A) ineffective
(B) useful
(C) passionless
(D) outstanding

(C) passionless

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  1. 1st Year English Notes
  2. 11th All Subjects Notes
  3. Rubaiyat Poem Explanation
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