Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English Ruba’iyat Poem Questions and Answers

11th English Ruba’iyat Poem Questions and Answers


Here I am sharing 1st Year English Ruba’iyat Poem Questions and Answers Notes for Class 11 Students. This is the 12th Poem in the English Syllabus of intermediate Part 1. These Rubaiyat are written by Allama Muhammad Iqbal, a famous spiritual poet. I have taken Ruba’iyat Poem Short Questions with Answers notes from Kips Notes. Students should visit this post for all class 11 poems notes. However, 11th Class English Book 1 notes are also available at ilmihub.com. Please do subscribe your Youtube Channel and don’t forget to follow your Facebook Page.

1st Year English Poem 12 Rubaiyat by Allama Muhammad Iqbal Short Question Answers Notes

Q. Who wrote the poem, Rubai’iyat”?

Ans. Allama Muhammad Iqbal wrote the poem, “Ruba’iyat”.

Q. Who was Ibrahim (A.S)?

Ans. Ibrahim (A.S) was Allah’s prophet of who was thrown into fire by his opponents, but he was saved by his implicit faith in God.

Q. What is worse than slavery?

Ans. According to Allama Iqbal to have no faith is worse than slavery. The poet means to say that if we only look to Allah, we need not bow to anyone for guidance, strength or enlightenment.

Q. Who cannot compete with the civilization of Makkah?


Explain the last two lines of the second stanza of the “Ruba’iyat poem.


Why can’t Europe compete with the civilization of Makkah?

Ans. Europe cannot complete with the civilization of Makkah because Europe (West) is devoid of faith in God, and so the Westerners have no such binding force as Makkah which unites the Muslims and makes them a nation.

Q. What is faith, according to Allama Iqbal?

Ans. According to Allama Iqbal, true faith is like the faith of Ibrahim who jumped into fire, undaunted and was saved by his strong faith in God.

Q. What has made the efforts of the Muslims fruitless?

Ans. Modern age has captivated the Muslims and made them materialistic and dependent on the Europeans who are faithless and spiritually dead. The prayers of the Muslims are, therefore, cold, and their efforts fruitless.

Q. What is the present state of the Muslims?

Ans. The present state of the Muslims is lamentable. They have become slaves to materialistic gains. They are devoid of love’s madness that brings courage, independence and self-honour.

Q. What is the moral lesson/theme of the poem “Ruba’iyat”?

Ans. The moral lesson is that true faith in God gives us fearlessness, self-honour and a passion for sacrifice. It frees us from the shackles of race, colour, creed, and caste. It knits all human beings into universal brotherhood.

Q. Why are our ranks broken, hearts perplexed, and prayers cold?

Ans. The Muslims have no unity, no peace of mind and no spirit in their prayers as they do not have true faith in God. He says that the Muslims of the present age are devoid of love’s madness.

Q. What does the poet want to say in the line: “No feeling deeper than the skin”?

Ans. Iqbal says that the Muslims of the present age are only practicing the rituals of their religion, and so they are left with no spirit. He says that without true faith in God, all our religious practices are merely ostentatious and meaningless.

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