Home 1st Year English Notes 1st Year English Times Poem Explanation of Lines

1st Year English Times Poem Explanation of Lines


In this post, students will find 11th Class English Times Poem Explanation of Lines with reference to the context for Intermediate Part 1. This poem has been chosen from Ecclesiastes for 1st Year English Book 3 and placed at No.7. This poem explains the different conditions of the time that there is a time for everything to happen. These Times Poem Notes have been taken from Kips Notes. You should visit this link for 1st Year English all poems notes. However, this link will lead you to 11th English all short stories notes.

11th English Poem 7 Times Explanation of Lines (Stanzas)


These lines have been taken from the poem, “Times” from Ecclesiastes.


The law of predetermination and predestination dominates our life. In some situations, however, man seems to be free to do anything. But what makes something meaningful or meaningless is only time.

Explanation of Lines No. (1-2)

To everything there is a season,
And a time to every purpose under the heaven;

There is a fixed time for the occurrences of everything. Everything is prearranged. All things, events and happenings take place according to a set time. Nothing can be achieved before its proper time. Prosperity and adversity, trials and easy circumstances come and go at their fixed time.

Critical appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (3-4)

A time to be Born,
And a time to die;

Birth and death are predestined. Nobody can come into this world before the fixed time. Man’s efforts can play no role in this case. He has no control over his death and birth. No one can save a person whose last time has reached. So, man should not think himself free to do anything. He should entrust hiself to God, the omnipotent power.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (5-6)

A time to plant,
And a time to pluck up that  which is planted…

Sowing and harvesting are the present reasons. We can not plant and harvest out of season. Violation of laws of nature causes loss. Milton says “Seed time and harvest, heat and hoary forest, shall hold their course.” Moreover, this world can be compared to see time and world after death can be compared to harvest time. If we perform good deed in the world, we will get reward in the next world.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word “time” reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (7-8)

A time to break down,
And a time to build up;

Description and construction, creation and demolition take place at fixed time. Whether it is a building, person or thing, it undergoes the process of birth, growth, decay and ultimate end. Nothing is subject to construction and destruction. It is the law of nature.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word “time” reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (9-10)

A time to wee,
And a time to dance;

Life is made of not only joys but also grief. It makes us weep and cry as well as smile and laugh. Sorrows and joys are interlinked. Neither pleasure nor sufferings are everlasting. During our short span of lives, we are destined to go through stages, happiness and misery.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ’time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (11-12)

A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones together;

To start some action and to stop it can be done only at proper time. There is a proper time to do something and sometimes there are no proper circumstances to undertake a plan. Our happiness depends upon our harmony with the laws of nature. As a poet says “Drive the nail aright” and “hit the iron while it is hot” we can not do our duties at improper time. Otherwise we will not be able to get desirable result.

Criticl Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time n the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balncing effect.

Explanation of Line No. (13-14)

A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;

Embrace” means to accept and “refrain from embracing” to reject. Acceptance and rejection of ideas must be at a proper time and occasions. Changes in the world occur at an appropriate time. If we adopt or support revolutions or changes at improper time, we will suffer a loss. We are destined to have everything at a fixed and proper time.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (15-16)

A time to get,
And a time to lose;

Profit and loss are brought about by time. Choice of proper times for struggle bestows us with profit while the wrong choice of time results in loss. Time is the preserver and destroyer. Sometimes, time showers honour and popularity at one time and at another time it becomes the cause of decline. Success and failure and profit and loss are linked with time and can be achieved at proper and present time.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (17-18)

A time to keep,
And a time to cast away;

Possession of things, customs, tradition and laws are also related to time factor. Backward people and nations are not in favour of new changes as they cling to old and worn out traditions and laws. Everything suits at its proper time. To keep pace with others, it is necessary to accept new changes and to give up old and outdated laws and customs.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (19-20)

A time to rend,
And a time to sew;

Sometimes destruction is necessary for new construction. It is necessary to demolish thing to build something new. If we don’t harvest the existing crop, how will we will be able to plant or cultivate the next crop? It is necessary to tear cloth into pieces before giving it an arranged form of a dress. So tearing and wearing are the part of nature. Through this process we get rid of harmful or less profiteering things and can achieve the new useful ones.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time in the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a blancing effect.

Explanation of Lines No. (21-22)

A time to keep silence,
and a time to speak……

Everyone knows silence is gold speech is silver. It is true at one occasion. But there are some occasions when its opposite is also true. But condition is that one must choose proper time to speak or to keep silence. Instead of uttering meaningless and useless words, silence is better. But whenever there is time to speak on some important issues, it is necessary to speak without any hesitations.

Critical Appreciation

The repetition of the word ‘time’ reinforces the importance of time n the human life. The juxtaposition of the opposites has a balancing effect.

Main Idea of the Poem

Everything happens at an appropriate time. Nothing in this world happens out of place. Everything is scheduled according to a specific time. Nothing can happen before time or after time. No one can interfere in the natural cycle.

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  1. Ali

    October 12, 2023 at 12:43 am

    Please question answer be Bata da


    • admin

      October 15, 2023 at 2:10 pm

      Already available brother


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