Home English Essays Prize Distribution Function Essay with Quotations – 800+ Words

Prize Distribution Function Essay with Quotations – 800+ Words


In this post, I am sharing Prize Distribution Function Essay with Quotations for students of Class 10 and Class 12. Especially students of FSC 2nd year write quotations in their essays. This Essay on Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony has been taken from Kips Notes. I have already shared a list of Essays with Quotations. If you are a student of FSC part 2, you must go through the English Essays. Also, English Essay Quotations are available for those students who need only quotations and have essay content. I always try to post quality content on ilmihub.

Essay on Prize Distribution Ceremoney 800+ words with Quotations

Life is neither a bed of roses nor a bed of thorns. It is a roller coaster ride that has its wax and wane, highs and lows, peaks and valleys. There will be moments and days of your life that will be with you till the end of time; days of your success and perseverance attain heights of glory.

“A the end, one didn’t remember life as a whole but as just a string of moments.” (David Levien)

The annual prize distribution ceremony is always an occasion to celebrate the achievements of people who have attained excellence in spheres of academics and co-curricular. Felicitating the achievers not only serves to motivate them to surpass their own performance but also spurs on their peers to attain similar heights. Our Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was held on 27th March 2014. As I woke up at 8 O’clock that day, I smiled to myself, thinking how I had achieved an aspiration and how my vision had changed to reality.

“It is deeply satisfying to win a prize in front of a lot of people.” ( E.B White)

On the arrival, we were given auspicious reception. The stage adorned and embellished, was an evident confirmation of the hard work of the management. The dais was set on the right with the college logo imprinted on it- “light, courage and love.” Some chairs of the special guests were set in the centre of the stage behind the dais with a table in front of them on which there were assembled a multitude of flowers. Red ribbons twisting around the white ones like climbing vines, hung from the ceiling. These were arranged into intricate patterns at the base giving the whole panorama a new and characteristic look.

This stream of thoughts was interrupted by a voice that heralded the arrival of a person, which I assumed to be the chief guest. I asked the council member about it and he replied in the affirmative. Finally, the awaited event was going to start.

“Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.” (Theodore Roosevelt)

Soon the host came and took his position on the dais. He cleared his throat, which not only marked the initiation of the event but was also an indication for the audience to maintain silence. A student was called for the recitation of the Holy Quran. His melodious voice reverberated in the hall and seemed to pacify the torrent of emotions prevailing inside me. This was followed by the praises of our Holy Prophet(صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم ), which moved some people, including the chief guest, to tears.

Afterwards, a series of events followed and my anxiety increased as the ceremony progressed, my eyes fixed upon the cluster of gold medals which sparkled and shone like gold, with a white strap around them, the pile of certificates, and the aggregation of the trophies. I felt my heart flutter like a caged bird, my breath rising every minute.

“A real treasure becomes such only after it is been desperately sought after.” (Richelle)

They started it ultimately, announcing the names of the students who had emerged victorious and had not only been the means of pride for their parents but also a source of promoting the name of their college.

I was all ears and finally, they said it, the name which I wanted to hear. Slowly, I stoop up and walked quietly towards the stage with my eyes towards the ground, muttering a little prayer. I could feel it, the merriment spreading through my soul. They handed me the award and placed the medal around my neck, it was still shining.

I looked towards the audience and saw my parents; their eyes welled up with tears, the smile on their faces which meant everything to me. They did not move or clap nor did I want them to. Their smile was sufficient for making me feel the most special. My father nodded and I nodded back. They were proud of me and I was proud of this mere feeling. A lone tear rolled down my cheek as I walked back, as quietly as I had come. I felt complete.

In the end, the host cordially invited the chief guest to come and say something to the audience. The latter waited in utter silence. The chief guest smiled in a fatherly manner, a smile that gave warmth and satisfaction and spoke in a voice that reminded me of warm milk and honey. The twinkle in his eyes reflected the happiness and ecstasy in his heart which he felt on seeing the students and addressing to them.

“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” (Mae West)

The ceremony, at last, came to an end and we clicked many photographs to save them for our memory lane. The ceremony may have come to an end, but the rush, happiness, gratification, pride and honour is something that we will always carry. Such is the beauty of a Prize Distribution Ceremony.

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