Home PPSC Past Papers PPSC History Lecturer Solved Past Paper 2017 | Set 03

PPSC History Lecturer Solved Past Paper 2017 | Set 03


PPSC Lecturer History Solved Paper 2017

Here are Next 25 MCQs from PPSC History Lecturer Solved Past Paper 2017. This is the 3rd part of this quiz. This post is very helpful for those who want to attempt PPSC Lecturer History Paper this year. I am not sure about the originality of this past paper because I have taken these Multiple Choice Questions from a book but these are very good for practice. Not only for Lecturer History Paper but also for other competitive examinations. More PPSC Past papers are available at this link. You may also like PPSC Lecturer History Solved Paper 2013 by visiting this.

51. Nizam-e-Mustafa Movement was launched in:

(A) 1975
(B) 1976
(C) 1977
(D) 1978

52. Author of Muntakhab-utTawarrikh is:

(A) Abul Fazal
(B) Abdul Qadir Bada’uni
(C) Anayat Uliah
(D) Aqeel Khan Razi

53. In 1615, Sir Thoms Roe was sent by the English King to the court of:

(A) Aurangzeb
(B) Jahangir
(C) Shah Jahan
(D) Akbar

54. Cripps Mission camé to India in March:

(A) 1940
(B) 1941
(C) 1942
(D) 1943

55. Hudaibia was the name of a:

(A) River
(B) Well
(C) Cave
(D) Tree

56. Vasco da Gama is considered to be the first to successfully sail from-Europe to India in 1498. He was:

(A) French
(B) German
(C) Portuguese
(D) Spanish

57. Within 6 months after Jinnah’s death Pakistan’s Constituent Assembly adopted:

(A) Islamic Provisions
(B) Objectives Resolution
(C) Bill of Fundamental Rights
(D) Report on basic Principals

58. Who was Bagha Kabeer:

(A) A Turk General
(B) An Iranian General
(C) An Arabian General
(D) European General

59. Voltaire’s campaign “against Church and Clergy indirectly hit:

(A) Montesquieu
(B) French Revolution
(C) Universal Franchise
(D) Divine Right of King

60. In 1801 Napoleon signed “Concordat” with?

(A) Pope Pius VII
(B) Louis XVIII
(C) Church of England
(D) Pope John II

61. Writing history in a story-based form is:

(A) Philosophical History
(B) Narrative History
(C) Chronological History
(D) Family History

62. Monroe Doctrine announced in 1823, stopped in America further: .

(A) Colonization
(B) Industrialization
(C) Privatization
(D) Actualization

63. A rival organization to North Atlantic Treaty Organization was:

(A) Group of 77
(B) Warsaw Pact
(C) Non-Aligned Movement

64. In Saqifa Bani Sa’ada from Ansarite side candidate for the 1st Caliph was:

(A) Sa’ad bin Abada (RA)
(B) Bashir bin Sa’ad (RA |
(C) Abu Bakar (RA)
(D) Umer bin Khitab (RA) |

65. Before becoming Sultan of Delhi Altatmash had been governor of:

(A) Lahore
(B) Multan
(C) Badayun
(D) Bengal

66. In Indian, history “Blood and Iron Policy” of Kingship was first introduced Py:

(A) Qutbudin Aibak
(B) Mehrnood of Ghazna
(C) Altatmash
(D) Balaban

67. Abul Abbas appointed Abu Muslim Khurasani as the governor of:

(A) Syria
(B) Africa
(C) Faras
(D) Khurasan

68. Nizamul-Mulk Toosi was the most learned minister in the dynasty of:

(A) Idreesia
(B) Tahiria
(C) Saffaria
(D) Saljookia

69. A retired British bureaucrat Sir A O Hume initiated the formation of:

(A) Indian National Congress
(B) All India Muslim League
(C) Khaksar Tehreek
(D) Sunni Tehreek

70. pakistan’s first Foreign Minister was:

(A) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
(B) Fazl-ur-Rehman
(C) Sir Zafarullah Khan
(D) Khawaja Shahabuddin

71. Khatm-e-Nabuwat Movement was crushed during the Prime Ministership of:

(A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Khawaja Nazimuddin
(C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(D) Chaudhary Muhammad Ali

72. One Unit Bill was passed during the government of:

(A) Liaquat Ali Khan
(B) Nazimuddin
(C) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(D) Chaudhary Muhammad Ali

73. Yahya Khan assumed powers as Chief Martial Law Administrator in:

(A) 1967
(B) 1968
(C) 1969
(D) 1970

74. Ojhary camp incident occurred during the reign of:

(A) Benazir Bhutto
(B) Muhammad Khan Jonejo
(C) Ghulam Mustafa Jotoi
(D) Main Qureshi

75. Who was East India Company last Governor-General in India?

(A) Lord Canning
(B) James Wilson
(C) Samuel Laing
(D) John Lawrence

For post length management, I have divided this past paper into 04 sets. Click on next or previous set to see MCQs.

Set 01Set 02Set 03

Set 04

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