Junior Clerk in Punjab Police Solved Past Paper 2017
In this post, you will find Junior Clerk in Punjab Police Solved Past Paper. This paper was held in 2017 and this is the 3rd part of this paper. These Solved Multiple Choice Questions are good to practice for other PPSC and NTS tests. You can Visit This for more past papers.
Past Paper of Junior Clerk in Punjab Police 2017
Link of Previous and Next parts of this Paper are available at the end of this post.
46. The program that contains instructions to operate a device is called:
(A) Device operator
(B) Device driver
(C) Device linking
(D) Device system
47. For galvanizing of iron which of the following metals is used?
(A) Aluminium
(B) Copper
(C) Lead
(D) Zinc
48. Pope Benedict XV, who died in 2013, was from which country?
(A) Italy
(B) Poland
(C) Argentine
(D) Germany
49. Twitter is a:
(A) Search engine
(B) Social network service
(C) E-mail service
(D) Blog page
50. The Lucknow Pact between Congress and the Muslim League was signed in which year?
(A) 1912
(B) 1916
(C) 1920
(D) 1919
51. What is the old name of Zohb?
(A) Fort Sandman
(B) Fort Munro
(C) Montgomery
(D) Saiwan Kot
52. UPS is an abbreviation of:
(A) A Universal Pumping Station
(B) Universal Power Supply
(C) Un-interrupted Power Supply
(D) Un-interruptible Power Supply
53. ‘Who was the Secretary-General of the United Nations before Ban ki-Moon?
(A) Kofi Annan
(B) Boutros-Boutros Ghali
(C) Javier Perez de Cuellar
(D) None of these
54. “The Da Vinci Code” is:
(A) A bestselling novel
(B) An ancient legal code
(C) The History of Jews
(D) None of these
55. Who is considered as the Father of Psychoanalysis?
(A) TB Watson
(B) Albert
(C) Adler
(D) Sigmund Freud
56. What does OIC stand for?
(A) Organization of Islamic Conference
(B) Organization of Islamic Cooperation
(C) Organization for Integrated Cooperation
(D) Organization for International Cooperation
57. Which country is called Playground of Europe?
(A) Switzerland
(B) Denmark
(C) Sweden
(D) Holland
58. What Does RAM stand for?
(A) Read After Memory
(B) Random Access Memory
(C) Read All memory
(D) None of these
59. Who postulated the Theory of Natural Selection in Evolution?
(A) Talbot
(B) John Laszlo
(C) Joseph Lister
(D) Darwin
60. Valletta is the capital of:
(A) Slovenia
(B) Albania
(C) Malta
(D) Mali
61. When was the state of Israel admitted to the UNO?
(A) 1947
(B) 1948
(C) 1949
(D) 1950
62. In Which district of Pakistan in the famous Katas Raj Temples complex is located?
(A) Sargodha
(B) Sahiwal
(C) Chakwal
(D) Peshawar
63. Vitamin C is essential for:
(A) Appetite
(B) Growth & repair of tissues
(C) Muscles
(D) Brain
64. In which district is the archaeological site Harappa located?
(A) Sukher
(B) Sahiwal
(C) Thatta
(D) Chakwal
65. Which one of the following shapes has four equal sides and right angles?
(A) Rhombus
(B) Square
(C) Rectangle
(D) Parallelogram
66. When did five prayers become an obligation (Farz)?
(A) 10th Nabvi
(B) 11th Nabvi
(C) 12th Nabvi
(D) 13th Nabvi
Other Parts of this Past Paper are here:-
Set 01 | Set 02 | Set 03 | Set 04 |