Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English He Came to Know Himself Poem Question Answers

11th English He Came to Know Himself Poem Question Answers


In this post, students will find 1st year English He Came to Know Himself Poem Question Answers for class 11. The poem is written by Suchal Sarmast and included in 1st Year English book 3 syllabus at No.15. These notes have been taken from kips notes. Students should visit English Book 3 Notes for all poems and plays notes. They can also visit 1st Year English Book 1 notes for all Englsh short stories notes.

1st Year English Poem 15 He Came to Know Himself Poem Questions and Answers Notes

Q.1 Who wrote the poem, “He Came to Know Himself”?

Ans. Sachal Sarmast wrote the poem, “He Came to Know Himself”.

Q.2 Why does the poet put emphasis on how He came to know Himself?

Ans. The poet puts emphasis on how God came to know Himself in order to point out that in the beginning, there was nothing but the presence of God, Who was yet unknown and unheard of. He came down from the heaven to the earth in order to be known and realized.

Q.3 What makes one entangled in love?

Ans. To be able to be known, realized and loved makes one entangled in love. There are, however, others like prophets, saints and mystics who become the embodiment of love for God’s creatures, and they have nothing in their heart or mind but the love of God.

Q.4 Why did Mansoor mount the gallows?


What did Mansoor do and why did he have his head cut off?

Ans. Mansoor was a saint, and he was so much enmeshed in the love of God that he began saying that he was God. People sent him to the gallows for his sin of blasphemy, but he kept reiterating that it was God that spoke through him.

Q.5 What is the bare truth that Sachal Sarmast speaks of / about?

Ans. The poet says God stayed on earth from time to time. It means that God made Himself known through His beloved men, like Hazrat Yousaf (A.S), Mansoor and many others, whom He sent to the earth to give the people a message of love.

Q.6 What does the poet means to say when the speaks of His sojourn on the earth?

Ans. Sachal Sarmast says that God came to know Himself by sending his loved ones to the earth from time to time. In other words, God revealed himself to his creatures through saints and prophets in order to pour out his love to his creatures.

Q.7 Why did Hazrat Yousaf (A.S) tread the bazaars of Egypt?

Ans. Hazrat Yousaf, like many other prophets of God, went through trials and tribulations in order to seek God’s love and pleasure. He treaded the bazaars of Egypt, and was sold as a slave by his own brothers just because he represented his Creator.

Q.8 Who alighted from high heaven?

Ans. God Almighty alighted from high heaven. God Almighty blessed Masnoor with his eternal love. Mansoor was put to death because he was so deeply absorbed in God’s love that he said he was God.

Q.9 What is the theme of “he Came to Know Himself” poem?

The poem reveals a mystic belief that God comes to the earth in the guise of His true lovers. True lovers do not hesitate to face miseries. Trials and tribulations strengthen their faith in God. They sacrifice their lives, status and worldly benefits.

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