Home English Essays A Visit to a Historical Place Essay with Quotations for 2nd Year

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay with Quotations for 2nd Year


Outstanding Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place with Outline and Quotes for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Here the students can find “A Visit to a Historical Place Essay for 2nd Year”. This is an outstanding essay and Students can write the same essay under the title, Essay on a visit to a Historical Place with quotations, Essay on A visit to a Historical Place in Pakistan or Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place in Lahore. You may also like an Essay on an Ideal Students.

A Visit to a Historical Place Essay with Quotations for 2nd Year Students

Historical events, distinct works of genius, wondrous achievements, admirable accomplishments and the cultivation of human art collectively constitute the culture of a nation. Pakistani culture, though replete with all these distinctive dualities, is remarkably exceptional for its brilliant historical heritage. The most startling and spectacular characteristic of our culture is the enviable presentation of the Muslim Architecture. The historical places in Pakistan are a prominent emblem of the Muslim Culture.

Last summer, my friends and I sketched out a programme to visit the historical places of Lahore. As we were to set forth from Multan in the scorching heat of summer, we decided to travel by an air-conditioned bus. We packed our luggage, hurried with hysterical haste to the bus station, got on the Bus eagerly at about 10 am and reached Lahore in the twilight. We rented a well-furnished room in a hotel and after a superbly delicious dinner, we enjoyed a deep sleep. Next dawn, we got up with much gusto. We decided to visit the tomb of Jahangir. Straightaway we were ready to start off. In a hired taxi, we reached the elegant tomb in half an hour. The four magnificent minarets of the tomb presented an exquisite view. A high wall and an elegantly decorated big gate guarded the mausoleum of the great emperor. The tomb occupies the heart of a fragrant park. The park was aromatically studded with colourful buds .and blooming flowers. The flowers “fluttering land dancing in the breeze” presented a spectacular sight. The fruit trees were blossoming. Birds perched on the twigs and boughs were twittering. Impressed by the “soft incense hanging upon the bough” and “many incense-bearing trees” I began to sing the beautiful verses of Keats:

“Ah, happy, happy boughs that cannot shed
Your leaves, nor ever bid the spring adieu”

In front of the grand tomb, a lovely fountain was sprinkling its light shower. The drizzling of hoary drops of the fountain was producing the resonance of ultimate excellence.

Soon afterwards, we entered the majestic edifice of Mughal Art containing the sepulchre of the emperor. What a life of luxury and opulence he had enjoyed; but now he was lying desolate and deserted in the sheer calm of infinity.

“Oh, threats of Hell and Hopes of paradise!
One thing at least is certain-This Life flies:
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies:
The flower that once has blown for ever dies”

The walls of the room were adorned with oral and mosaic design. There were curious colourful patterns signifying the mystery of death. We offered “Fateha” and prayed to God to be Merciful and Beneficent to the departed soul. As a whole, the building is a marvellous specimen of Muslim architecture, unique and matchless in its beauty and structure.

We came up to the terrace and had a view of Lahore from there. It was a startling sight. The cool breeze, a canopy of silvery clouds over our heads and the prevailing aroma of the blooming flowers made the panorama charismatic that it had a lasting impact on our memory. We spent the rest of our time in eating the meal, drinking tea and making some of the sketches of the floral designs we had just observed in the vest chamber of the tomb. When the brightness of the day faded into the descending dusk, we hesitatingly headed home. Our minds were full of solemn thoughts, We were pondering over the mystery of death. We all agreed with Shakespeare:

“In Nature’s infinite book of secrecy
A little I can read”. 

2. Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place with Outline and Quotes for Graduation


  1.  We remain busy day and night like a machine.
  2. A picnic provides an escape from the monotonous routine of life.
  3. The splendid building of “The Jahangir’s Tomb.”
  4. The best place for a family picnic.
  5. A delicious meal.
  6. Amusement and recreation.

What peaceful hours I once enjoyed!

                        How sweet their memory still!

In this modern age, we remain busy day and night like a machine. Our minds are all the time preoccupied with the worries and responsibilities of everyday life. We are unable to understand the need of pleasure in human life. We should realize the fact that life should be enjoyed with all its charms and pleasure. We also spare some time for pleasure and recreation.

What is this life if full of care,

                        We have no time to stand and stare? (W. Davies)

In this age of hurries and worries, a picnic provides an escape from the monotonous routine of life. Last Sunday, we decided to go on a picnic. We wished to visit some historical places because they are our cultural heritage. So, we chose Jahangir’s Tomb as our picnic point. We reached the tomb in the morning at 10. The weather was very pleasant.

The splendid building of the tomb was very impressive. There was greenery all around. A cool breeze was blowing. Birds were chirping in the trees. There were vast lawns, open spaces and flowers of different colours.

“Flowers always make people better,

                        Happier and more helpful.” (Luther Burbank)

 Jahangir’s Tomb is the best place for a family picnic. There, we enjoyed ourselves very much. Everyone was taking interest in the remarkable structure of the building, matchless beauty of the lawns and historical significance of the Tomb.

At about 2 o’clock, we sat under a shady tree. My mother spread the table cloth on the ground and put our things on it.  Mother had prepared many tasty dishes. We took some meal and had some rest.

Then we played cricket in a grassy park. It was a source of great amusement. My elder brother told some interesting anecdotes. We sang together some national and film songs.

In the evening, we packed our belongings and our way home. Our hearts were saturated. It was a picnic of full enjoyment and recreation.

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