Home 1st Year Physics Notes Waves – FSC 1st Year Physics Chapter 8 Notes PDF Download

Waves – FSC 1st Year Physics Chapter 8 Notes PDF Download


In this post, I am sharing Waves – FSC 1st Year Physics Chapter 8 Notes PDF Download for the students of Intermediate Part 1. This chapter’s name is Waves . Students can download 11th class chapter 8 Waves Notes PDF in there laptop or mobile. These Physics Notes are for all the boards working under Punjab Board like Gujranwala Board, Lahore Board, Faisalabad Board, Multan Board, Rawalpindi Board, Sargodha Board, DG Kahn Board, and Sahiwal Board. Here are the complete FSC 1st Year Physics Notes PDF chapterwise.

FSC Part 1 Physics Chapter 8 Waves Notes PDF Download

What is waves?

The disturbance produced in a medium due to the repeated periodic vibrations of the particles of the medium about their equilibrium position known as wave. There are three type of waves
i) Mechanical waves
ii) Electromagnetic waves
iii) Matter waves

Define mechanical waves.

The waves, which require medium for their propagation, known as mechanical waves. The medium must have the property of elasticity and inertia

What is electromagnetic waves?

The waves, which do not require a medium for their propagation, known as electromagnetic waves. These propagated due to oscillations of electric and magnetic fields.


light waves, radio waves etc.

Define matter waves.

The waves associated with particles, which are moving with very high velocity, called matter waves.

Define progressive or traveling waves.

Waves that transfer energy by moving away from the source of disturbance called progressive waves.

Drop a pebble into water. Ripple will be produced and spread out across the water. The ripples are the example of the progressive waves because they carry energy across the water surface.
Similarly, waves along a string, water waves, sound waves because they carry energy across the progressive waves.

Define transverse waves.

The waves in which the particle of the medium vibrate along a line perpendicular to the direction of propagation of waves are known as transverse waves. For example water waves along a string.

Define periodic waves.

The waves, which produced due to the periodic disturbance in the medium, known as periodic waves. For example, sound waves, water waves and light waves are almost periodic.

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