Home PPSC Past Papers PPSC Previous Paper 2014 for Excise and Taxation Inspector

PPSC Previous Paper 2014 for Excise and Taxation Inspector


PPSC Previous Paper 2014 for Excise and Taxation Inspector

In this post, you will get PPSC Previous Paper 2014 for Excise and Taxation Inspector. This paper is claimed as Excise Inspector Past Paper 2014 and this is the 1st part of this paper. This part contains 20 Solved MCQs. These Multiple Choice Questions are important for other jobs tests as well. One more PPSC Past Paper for Excise and Taxation Inspector is also available.

Inspector Excise and Taxation Solved Previous Paper 2014

1. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan is known as?
(A) Khyber Pass
(B) Shahrah-e-Resham
(C) Durand Line
(D) Bolan Pass

(C) Durand Line

2. In which year NWFP was named Khyber Pakhtunkhwa?
(A) 2008
(B) 2009
(C) 2010
(D) 2011

(C) 2010

3. The Muhammadan Educational Conference was founded in:
(A) 1884
(B) 1886
(C) 1890
(D) 1891

(B) 1886 

4. The pamphlet “Now or Never” was written by:
(A) Allama Iqbal
(B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
(C) Quaid-e-Azam
(D) Sir Syed

(B) Chaudhry Rehmat Ali 

5. The national flower of Pakistan Is:
(A) Tulip
(B) Rose
(C) Jasmine
(D) Sunflower

(C) Jasmine

6. Boundary Line between China and India is called:
(A) Red Line
(B) McMahon Line
(C) Package Line
(D) None of these

(B) McMahon Line

7. During British rule in India, in 1905, Bengal was partitioned by?
(A) Lord Minto
(B) Lord Simla
(C) Radcliffe
(D) Lord Curzon

(D) Lord Curzon

8. India’s Partition plan was announced on?
(A) June 3, 1947
(B) July 3, 1947
(C) July 18, 1947
(D) August 14. 1947

(A) June 3, 1947

9. Which Indian Muslim leader was buried in Jerusalem?
(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(B) Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
(C) Sir Sawed Ahmad Khan
(D) Maulvi Fazlul Haq

(A) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar 

10. Who was the last Governor General of Pakistan?
(A) Quaid-e-Azam
(B) Ghulam Muhammad
(C) Iskandar Mirza
(D) Ayub Khan

(C) Iskandar Mirza

11. The Pakistan Resolution was translated in Urdu by:
(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan
(B) Nawabzada Liaqat Ali Khan
(C) Sir Zafrullah Khan
(D) Maulvi A.K. Fazl-ul-Haq

(A) Maulana Zafar Ali Khan

12. In 1947, the ruler of Princely State of Jammu & Kashmir was:
(A) Gulab Singh
(B) Zorawar Singh
(C) Ranbir Singh
(D) Hari Singh

(D) Hari Singh

13. Radcliffe was by profession:
(A) a doctor
(B) an engineer
(C) a lawyer
(D) a dentist

(C) a lawyer

14. “Jinnah of Pakistan”, a famous Book was written by:
(A) Ishtiaq Hussain Qureshi
(B) Stanley A. Wolpert
(C) K. B. Saeed
(D) K. K. Aziz

(B) Stanley A. Wolpert

15. “Day of Deliverance” was observed on:
(A) 23rd March 1940
(B) 14th August 1947
(C) 15th August 1940
(D) 22nd December 1939

(D) 22nd December 1939

16. Sir Sikandar Hayat became Chief Minister of the Punjab in:
(A) 1937
(B) 1929
(C) 1946
(D) 1935

(A) 1937

17. The financial year of Pakistan closes on?
(A) December 31
(B) March 31
(C) June 30
(D) September 30

(C) June 30

18.The normal temperature of the human body as:
(A) 98.6 F
(B) 96.4 F
(C) 93.4 F
(D) 100 F

(A) 98.6 F

19. World Population Day is celebrated on:
(A) 11th July
(B) 11th June
(C) 11th May
(D) None of these

(A) 11th July

20. What is the common name for sodium chloride?
(A) Acid
(B) Qalmi shora
(C) Gandhak
(D) Salt

(D) Salt

Other Parts of this Past Paper are here:-

Set 01

Set 02

Set 03

Set 04

Disclaimer: I have taken this PPSC Previous Paper 2014 for Excise and Taxation Inspector from a book. I am not sure about the originality of this paper. However, posting here for practice.

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