Home Past Papers PMS 2014 Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service

PMS 2014 Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service


PMS 2014 Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service 2014 (General Knowledge Paper)

This post has PMS 2014 Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service. This is General Knowledge Paper which was held in 2014. Objective Type questions of this paper are solved and posted here for practice only. This is the first part of four parts. PPSC Past Papers are also available.

Objective Type Questions from PMS Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service

1. Which article of the 1973 Constitution of Islamic Republic of Pakistan prohibits all forms of slavery, forced labour and child labour:

(A) 37
(B) 11
(C) 25
(D) 18

(B) 11

2. Under the Factories Act, 1934 no adult employee, defined as a worker who has completed his or her 18th year of age can be required or permitted to work in any establishment in excess of________ hours a day and _________ hours a week.

(A) 7, 42
(B) 8, 48
(C) 9, 48
(D) 8, 56

(B) 8,48

3. Servile is the opposite of:

(A) Puerile
(B) futile
(C) haughty
(D) foul

(C) haughty

4. In the election of the President of the United States of America, the largest number of members of the ‘Electoral College’ are elected from the state of:

(A) New York
(B) Texas
(C) California
(D) Florida

(C) California

5. Out of the following, the largest ethnic group by population without having a state of its own is:

(A) Kurdish
(B) Welsh
(C) Uighurs
(D) Sikhs

(A) Kurdish

6. The first President of Palestinian Authority Yasir Arafat died on:

(A) 11th September 2006
(B) 9th November 2001
(C) 12th December 2007
(D) 11th November 2004

(D) 11th November 2004

7. Which Vitamin is provided by Sunlight to the body?

(A) Vitamin A
(B) Vitamin B
(C) Vitamin C
(D) Vitamin D

(D) Vitamin D

8. The imaginary line of zero degree longitude which passes through Greenwich is called:

(A) Meridian
(B) Equator
(C) Tropic of Cancer
(D) Tropic of Capricorn

(A) Meridian

9. The famous book “East of Eden” ‘is the work of:

(A) John Steinback
(B) R.W. Emerson
(C) Bertrand Russell
(D) Earnest Hemingway

(A) John Steinback

10. Bastille Day is the commemoration of the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison which was seen as a symbol of the revolutionary uprising in:

(A) Canada
(B) Belgium
(D) France

(D) France

11. Sui generis is a Latin term of:

(A) Unique
(B) Generous
(C) Sui gas
(D) Common

(A) Unique

12. The Strait of Hormuz fall between:
(A) UAE and Oman
(B) Iran and Iraq
(C) Iran, Oman and UAE
(D) UAE and Qatar

(C) Iran, Oman and UAE

13. ‘Rand’ is the currency of:

(A) South Africa
(B) Tanzania
(C) Ecuador
(D) Somalia

(A) South Africa

14. The number of working children according to ILO estimates in developing countries is:

(A) 80 million
(B) 300 million
(C) 250 million
(D) 320 million

(D) 320 million

15. Which one of the following statement is false?

(A) ‘Unenforceable’ means that there is no remedy for breach of a convention
(B) The laws of the constitution are enforceable in the courts
(C) The conventions of the constitution are binding political rules which are not enforceable in the courts
(D) Constitutional conventions are not binding on anyone

(D) Constitutional conventions are not binding on anyone

16. Which one of the following statement is false?

(A) The legislative function is primarily responsible for making, unmaking and amending the law
(B) The legislative function is inferior to the judicial function of government
(C) The executive function gives effect to and enforces the law
(D) The primary judicial function is to interpret and apply the law, resolve disputes, provide remedies and determine punishments when the law is breached

(B) The legislative function is inferior to the judicial function of government

17. In torts, the principle “Restitutio ad integrum” means:

(A) compensation for damages
(B) Restoration to the original condition
(C) Restriction on integration
(D) None of the above

(B) Restoration to the original condition

18. “Southern Cross” which is constellation found in the southern region of the night sky consists mainly of:

(A) Seven Stars
(B) Three Stars
(C) Five Stars
(D) None of these

(C) Five Stars

19. Sylhet District at the time of partition was part of the province of:

(A) Bengal
(B) Assam
(C) Bihar
(D) United Provinces

(B) Assam

20. Euphonious is the opposite of:

(A) Strident
(B) Lethargic
(C) Literary
(D) Merry

(A) Strident

21. Yangtze river does not pass through which of the country:

(A) Mongolia
(B) Thailand
(C) Taiwan
(D) All of these

(D) All of these

See also: MCQs about Rivers of the World

22. The Incan Civilization flourished in:

(A) South America
(B) North America
(C) Australia
(D) Indonesia

(A) South America

23. The largest city by population in the Great Lakes region is:

(A) Toronto
(B) Montreal
(C) Chicago
(D) Detroit

(C) Chicago

24. An ordinary mobile phone communicates by using:

(A) Sound waves
(B) Microwaves
(C) Radio waves
(D) UV waves

(C) Radio waves

25. Stock indices at Tokyo are known by their popular name of:

(A) Dow Jones
(B) Hang Seng
(C) Nikkei

(C) Nikkei

Other Parts of this PMS Past Paper are is as under:-

Set 01

Set 02

Set 03

Set 04

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