Home Computer MCQs MCQs of Computer Science with Answers for Online Test Preparation

MCQs of Computer Science with Answers for Online Test Preparation


MCQs of Computer Science with Answers for Online Test Preparation

This post contains MCQs of Computer Science with Answers for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS Online Test and Interview Preparation. This is the 9th Part of Computer Quiz Series. MCQs are taken from Caravan Comprehensive GK book. Go Here for more Solved Multiple Choice Questions on Computer Science.

Solved MCQs on Computer Science for NTS, PPSC, CSS, FPSC, OTS, PTS Online Test and Interview Preparation

The counting of MCQs is starting from 131. For previous Set of computer mcqs Go Here.

131. Which is the biggest company of Computer software in the world?

(a) Google
(b) Yahoo
(c) Microsoft
(d) MSN

(c) Microsoft

132. Algol, Basic, Cobal. 4GL, 3GL, Java, Pascal, C, C++ and VB are all _________.

(a) Computer companies
(b) Computer‘s books
(c) Computer languages
(d) Computer websites

(c) Computer languages

133. ROM stands for________?

(a) Read Only Memory
(b) Read Over Memory
(c) Read of Memory
(d) Ride Over Memory

(a) Read Only Memory

134. RAM stands for_____.

(a) Read After Memory
(b) Random Access Memory
(c) Read All Memory
(d) Random After Memory

(b) Random Access Memory

135. CPU stands for?

(a) Car Pressure Unit
(b) Central Pressure UNit
(c) Car Power Unit
(d) Central Processing Unit

(d) Central Processing Unit

136. Alan Mathison Turing and John Von Neumann are related with?

(a) Computer
(b) Chemistry
(c) Physics
(d) Film industry

(a) Computer

137. The time required for a computer to locate and transfer data is called?

(a) Analogue time
(b) Basic time
(c) Starting time
(d) Access time

(d) Access time

138. A device which encodes character by the depression of keys is known as_____.

(a) Printer
(b) Keyboard
(c) Mouse
(d) Hard Drive

(b) Keyboard

139. The area inside a computer frame and auxiliary storage where date and instructions are stored is called________.

(a) Memory
(b) interpreter
(c) Recorder
(d) Hopper

(a) Memory

140. An extremely small piece of silicon on which integrated circuits are implicated is called______.

(a) Chip
(b) Card reader
(c) Feed
(d) Hollerith Code

(a) Chip

141. ROM stands for?

(a) Read Off Memory
(b) Right Of Memory
(c) Roam On Memory
(d) Read Only Memory

(d) Read Only Memory

142. A byte is a group of how many bits?

(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 16

(a) 8

143. SIMM stands for?

(a) Super Index Medium Module
(b) Single Inline Memory Module
(c) Seven Inside Memory Module
(d) Single Intel Memory Module

(b) Single Inline Memory Module

144. Four bibles are equal to how may Bytes?

(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 6

(a) 2

145. Which is the smallest unit of memory?

(a) Bit
(b) Byte
(c) Kilobyte
(d) Gigabyte

(a) Bit

146. One kilobyte is equal to how many Bytes?

(a) 1075
(b) 1024
(c) 1000
(d) 950

(b) 1024

147. One Megabyte is equal to how many Kilobytes?

(a) 1024
(b) 1200
(c) 1180
(d) 940

(a) 1024

148. What is internet terminology, does SMTP stand for?

(a) Small Module Transfer Protocol
(b) Slow Movement Transfer Protocol
(c) Simple Module Train Protocol
(d) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

(d) Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

149. What is internet terminology, does FTP stand for?

(a) First Transfer Post
(b) File Transfer Protocol
(c) Film Transfer Port
(d) FonIvard Transfer Protocol

(b) File Transfer Protocol

150. Who invented the digital computer?

(a) Thomas Savery
(b) Howard Alken
(c) James Watt
(d) Percy Spencer

(b) Howard Alken

151. A smaller, faster memory which stores copies of data from the most frequently used main memory locations is known as ________.

(a) Hard Drive
(b) Bus
(c) Circuit
(d) CPU cache

(d) CPU cache

152. The process of locating and Wing or bypassing errors in computer program code or is called _____.

(a) Debugging
(b) Defusing
(c) Defragmenting
(d) Defrosting

(a) Debugging

Visit This to start from the first post of MCQs of Computer science.

All the MCQs of Computer Science are posted here carefully but if you find any mistake, inform us in the comment section.

Load More In Computer MCQs


  1. Noor

    July 21, 2019 at 12:29 pm

    Byte spelling mistake in 142


    • admin

      July 22, 2019 at 4:41 am

      Corrected! Thank you for your concern.


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