Home Application Writing Leave Letter – Leave Application for Sister Marriage to Principal

Leave Letter – Leave Application for Sister Marriage to Principal


Leave Application for Sister Marriage to Principal

This post contains 2 Examples of Leave Application for Sister Marriage. Leave letter for sister marriage examples are posted here for practice for students of different classes. The first example is standard and the 2nd one is easy for junior students. This is also a pattern of leave application. Visit This for more application samples.

Leave Letter for Sister Marriage to Class Teacher Example No.1

The Class Teacher /Head Master/ Principal,
Full Name of School,
City Name.

Subject:- Leave Application for Sister Marriage

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, I beg to state that my elder sister’s marriage is taking place next week. This is the first marriage in my family and everybody is excited about this occasion of pleasure. I also want to enjoy this occasion of joy completely. Secondly, There is a lot of work to do at home yet. As a responsible family member, I want to work for wedding preparations with my parents. Therefore, I cannot attend the class for 7 days.

Kindly grant me leave for 7 days from _______ to _________ and obliged.

Yours obediently,
Class 10 (A)
Date: __________

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Easy Leave Letter for Sister Marriage for Students Example No.2

The Class Teacher / Principal,
Full Name of School,
City Name.

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, it is stated that my sister’s marriage ceremony is going to be held on 27 May 2018. There is a lot of work to do at home and I want to be a helping hand to my parents. Therefore, I will not be able to attend the class for 5 days.

It is humbly requested that grant me leave for 5 days from 12.05.2018 to 17.05.2018. I shall be thankful to you.

Yours obediently,
Class 8 (B)
Date: 06.05.2018

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