Home Application Writing Leave Application For Own Marriage to Manager – Marriage Leave Request

Leave Application For Own Marriage to Manager – Marriage Leave Request


Own Marriage Leave Application – Marriage Leave Request

Hereunder you will find 3 examples on Leave Application for own marriage to Manager or to your Department head. The first application is outstanding, 2nd is Standard and the 3rd application is simple. This own marriage leave application samples are here but you can also visit Leave application for Brother’s Marriage.

Leave application for own marriage to Manager – Leave Letter Example

The Director/Manager,
Rupali Textiles Mills.

Subject:- Leave application for own marriage function

Venerated Sir,

Most respectfully I beg leave to submit that wedding is one of the most important and the most pleasurable moments in the life of every person as he turns a new leaf of life. This event must be celebrated with zeal and zest. I would like to bring up your kind notice that my marriage ceremony is imminent for which I have to make all the preparations and I want to make it the most memorable event of my life.

In view of the foregoing, it is requested that 10 days casual leave from 20.08.2018 to 30.08.2018 may be sanctioned in my favour and obliged.

I am sure, your good self shall accommodate me with an opportunity of gratitude by favouring me in this context.

Thanking You.

Your Name Here
Dated: ______

Leave Letter for My Own Marriage

The Principal,
Allied School Systems,
Texas, USA.

Subject: Leave Letter for My Own Marriage

Respected Sir,

With due respect, I am glad to inform you about the good news that my Marriage ceremony is going to be held on 25.08.2018. There are a lot of arrangements to do at home. So, I am unable to attend the office for 7 days.

It is, therefore, requested 07 days leave from 21.07.2018 to 27.07.2018 may kindly be sanctioned in my favour. I am feeling honoured to invite you to this enchanting event of my life. I will be sending you a personal invitation soon.

Hope, I will receive a positive response from you. Thank you in advance.

Yours Truly,

Your Name Here
Dated: __________

Simple Marriage Leave Request for own Marriage Ceremony

The Human Resource Manager,
Crescent Bahuman,
Miami, USA.

Subject:- Own Marriage Leave Application

Respected Sir,

Most respectfully, it is submitted that my wedding ceremony is going to take place on 18.08.2018.

It is, therefore, requested that 04 days casual leave from 17.08.2018 to 20.08.2018 may kindly be sanctioned and obliged.

Thanking in anticipation.

Your Name

There are some Applications available for Students as well. Visit Application Writing to explore more application samples.

Load More In Application Writing

One Comment

  1. Romana Marriage

    March 11, 2022 at 7:44 am

    Thanks for sharing! Please send me application for my friend wedding.


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