Home English Essays Essay on Students and Politics with Outline and Quotations

Essay on Students and Politics with Outline and Quotations


Essay on Students and Politics with Quotations and Outline for FA / FSC, & BA / BSC

Here is an essay on Students and Politics with Outlines and Quotations for the Students of FA / FSC and BA/ BSC. This essay defines the role of Student Unions that how they can be effective for the students. On the other hand misuse of these Student, Unions can demolish the career of students. On ilmihub, I am sharing 2 Essays, the 1st one is with outline and with quotes. You can use the quotations of the first essay in the other one.

Students can write the same essay under the title, Students and Politics essay, Role of Students in Politics Essay, Should Students take Part in Politics essay, Why Students should not take part in the politics essay. For more English Essays, you should visit English Essays with Quotations.

Students and Politics Essay with Outline and Quotes


  1. It is hotly debated whether students should take part in politics or not.
  2. Collage life is full of pleasures, excitements and opportunities.
  3. The Students’ Union is a representative and democratic society.
  4. Its object is to prepare students useful and responsible citizens.
  5. Students are the future of a nation.

“Colleges are places where pebbles are polished and diamonds are dimmed” (Robert Green)

It is hotly debated whether students should take part in politics or not. Some people think that students indulge in dirty politics and ruin their careers. Politicians misguide them. They are tempted or even dragged into politics. The student leaders become cat’s paws and play in the hands of selfish politicians. They use the youth force for their personal benefits. That is why it is said that politics should be a forbidden fruit for students. Dr. Johnson said:

“Politics is the refuge of scoundrels.”

On the other hand, some people think that college life is full of pleasures, excitements and opportunities. It provides all sorts of academic, cultural, social and sports activities. The students who take an active part in these activities, enjoy a fully active life. So, they will be well-prepared to lead a responsible life in society.

 “A college education should equip one to entertain three things: a friend, an idea and oneself.”

The students’ Union is a representative and democratic society of students. It is an elected body of students to look after their affairs. The office-bearers are elected by the students every year. They include a president, a Vice president, a Secretary, a Joint Secretary and some class representatives. The elections are held in a peaceful, interesting and democratic atmosphere. A senior member of the staff looks after the activities of the union. He helps and guides the office-bearers.

The object of the students’ Union is to prepare students as useful and responsible citizens. It is a training camp for democracy. It enlightens the hidden qualities of students and prepares them to face the challenges of practical life. It provides them with opportunities and facilities teamwork.

“Individual commitment to a group effort – that is What makes a teamwork, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.”(Vince Lombardi)

Colleges have “Student Unions” to organize co-curricular activities for students. It arranges functions, debates and other cultural activities in which students actively participate. Some learned writers, eminent speakers and prominent leaders are also invited to enrich the outlook of students.

The Students’ Union is for only positive purposes, and not for negative purposes. It is not a trade union for bargaining. However, some office-bearers misuse it. They begin to interfere in the college administration rival groups of students show their strength and create an atmosphere of violence, indiscipline and confusion in the college.

“Education is a better safeguard of liberty than a standing army.”  (Edward Everett)

It is an undeniable fact that students are the future of a nation. So, they should be prepared for the great tasks of the future. No doubt, their first and foremost duty is to get knowledge. However, their personal, physical and literary qualities should also be polished within defined powers and functions. The Student Unions should be allowed to work in colleges. The political parties should not use the students for their vested interests. In the past, students played an important role in creating Pakistan. Now, it is highly desirable that they should come ahead to solve the complicated problems of the country.

Also Visit: Essay Quotations in English for Class 12

2nd. Essay on Students and Politics for Class 12 and Graduation

It is a debatable question whether the students should take part in Politics or not. Participation of the students in political life is a thing of the present age. it was after the First World War that the students of the sub-continent of India took part in politics. The Indian National Congress organized the students to fight for the freedom of the country. This movement was directed against British rule. Later on, the Muslim League had its own wing of Muslim Students under the leadership at Quaid-e-Azam. The students awakened the masses and made them active to get a separate country for the Muslims. After the creation of Pakistan, every political party in the country raised its student wings. The political leaders exploited the students to their selfish ends. The result Is that the students do not take interest in their studies but resort to agitational politics.

The question is whether the students should take interest in politics or not. There are two views about it. One group of people holds the view that the students should take part in politics. It is said that the students of today will be the citizens of tomorrow. As citizens, they will have to shoulder the political responsibilities of the country. If they fail to do so the country will surely collapse.

Politics, no doubt is a complicated affair. It requires experienced and clever people. In order to become efficient political workers, students need a lot of training and experience. Before the birth of Pakistan, students took interest in the politics of the country. They played an active role in the struggle for making Pakistan. They produced a political awakening among the masses. it is said that there is no harm if the students take interest in the politics of the country.

The other group of people hold the opposite view. It is said that the main taste of the students is to study their books. Politics is a dirty game now-a-days in our country. The task of the students should not be to take part in such an ugly game. If they take interest in politics, their attention will be divided. They will not be able to devote themselves wholeheartedly to their studies. Moreover, students are emotional by nature. They cannot form their own political opinion and undertaking. In this way, they have to become a puppet in the hands of shrewd politicians.

Both the views are extreme. The students should not take part in the active politics of the world. However, they must study the current situation of the world scientifically. The objective study of world problems will enlarge their knowledge and learning.

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  1. Fakhr E Alam

    November 20, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Thanks for sharing best and useful


    • admin

      November 22, 2021 at 4:05 am

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