Home English Essays Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations for Students

Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations for Students


Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations and Outline for Class10 & Class 12

Here you will find an essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations and Outline for the students of F.A, FSC, B.A and BSC. My Aim in Life Essay with Quotes is important for all the classes. If you are preparing for the exams, you shouldn’t miss this essay. Outline of the Essay on My aim in life is also available at the start of the game and you will find the quotations in the other parts of this essay. You can also see the Essay on My Ambition in Life.

Essay on My Aim in Life with Outline


  1. Ambition is a guiding star in our life.
  2. The Choice of the profession is an uphill task for a Youngman.
  3. The future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person.
  4. The general perception of the civil administration is bad.
  5. Objective to join the civil administration.
  6. Determination for achievement.

“Hitch your wagon to a star” (Emerson)

Ambition is a guiding star in our life. It inspires us to achieve noble ideals in life. It stimulates our energy, courage and enthusiasm. Without ambition, life becomes dull, drab and boring. Those who have no definite aim in their lives, cannot rise in life.

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character.” (Napoleon)

It is an uphill task for a Youngman to decide about his profession. Many desire to be rich or to become businessmen. Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers while most of the students aspire to become engineers, doctors, lawyers, military officers and scientists.

“This one step – choosing a goal and

Sticking to it – changes everything.” (Scott Reed)

Everyone has his own dreams but the future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person. Then, what do I want to be? I have decided to become a C.S.P officer because it is according to my taste and temperament. I am active, energetic and daring by nature. I have the ability to express myself impressively. At present, I am a student of intermediate and after my graduation, I shall appear in the Public Service Commission’s Competitive exams for this post.

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. (David Frost)

The general perception of the civil administration is, no doubt, bad in our society. There is much corruption and exploitation there. Most of the civil servants accept bribes and demand money from the guilty person. People often condemn them for mismanagement and corruption.

In spite of the bad reputation of the civil administration, I have decided to become a C.S.P officer. I do not want to join it for wealth, powers and pleasure. I have a mission to reform my society. It is suffering from corruption, lawlessness and unrest. I wish to root out all the evils of our society. I have some effective plans to correct society. My job as a C.S.P officer will help me a lot in the achievement of my goal.

“Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.” (Bob Richards)

My father wanted to see me as a doctor. He had been talking of it since my childhood. But, I did not like the medical profession, because it was not in accordance with my taste temperament. I told my father that I wanted to become a C,.S.P officer. I put up my case with arguments.  So, he allowed me to choose my profession according to my will.

I know that it is not a child’s play to become a C.S.P officer. I shall have to make an extraordinary effort to fulfil my dreams. I am ready to make any sacrifice for it. I am determined to leave no stone unturned to achieve my aim.

“The mould of man’s fortune is in his own hand” (Bacon)

Here the Essay Ends, if you are looking for Short Essay on My Aim in life for Junior Classes, Click Here.

2nd Essay

My Aim In Life Essay with Quotes and Outline for Matric, F.A, FSC, BA and BSC

Aim or ambition in life is inevitable. It gives us direction for our efforts to achieve it. It is like the guiding star. If a man is unaware of his destination, his struggle in life will be fruitless.

There can be as many aims or ambitions or dreams as men. Some want to become doctors. Some are ambitious to become Engineers. Some wish to become civil officers. Some are keen to become army officers. Some desire to be writers, novelists, playwrights or poets. Thus ambition or aim varies from person to person.

My aim or ambition or dream of life is to become a Professor of English. There are some reasons for which I want to adopt the profession of teaching at the college level. These are:

Teaching is a very noble profession. The best people in the world are those who teach others. This is the only profession which enables a man to serve his nation properly. A teacher is like a ladder. Like the ladder, the teacher remains at the same place but helps others to rise in life. It is, therefore, better to become a doctor-maker, an engineer-maker or an officer-maker instead of becoming himself a doctor or an engineer or an officer.

It is an acknowledged fact that only men increase the dignity and greatness of a nation. Such men are produced in educational institutions. I am fond of reading, writing and teaching. This profession will assist me to lead the life of a scholar. I am ambitious to become a professor of English because English literature is my favourite subject.

I am taking a deep interest in my studies. Having adopted the profession of teaching, I hope to produce and prepare such men as would be of great service to the nation. Being a teacher, I can also serve my nation by writing such books as can build the character of my people and make them good citizens.

To conclude, aim or ambition or dream of life occupies great importance in human life. A man or a nation cannot make progress in the world in the absence of aim or ambition or dream of life. I am fully satisfied with my aim or ambition or dream of becoming a professor of English as it suits my taste and nature. I am really proud of my aim of becoming a college teacher.

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Students Can Write the Same Essay under the following Titles

Essay on Aims in life    (or)

Essay on My ambition in life  (or)

The dream of my life Essay(or)

The  profession of my choice  (or)

The profession I want to choose  (or)

My future as I would like it to be  (or)

Teaching as a procession of my choice

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One Comment

  1. haiqa

    November 18, 2019 at 12:21 pm

    osam essay


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