Home English Essays Essay on Discipline with Quotations

Essay on Discipline with Quotations


Essay on Discipline with Quotations for Matric, 2nd Year, Fa, FSC, BA and BSC

Here is an Essay on Discipline with Quotations for the students of different Classes. Students can write the same essay under the title, the value of discipline essay, Essay on Importance of Discipline, Discipline Essay with Quotations, Essay on Discipline with Quotes.

Discipline Essay with Quotes for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

 Discipline is a controlled behaviour resulting from the practice of training of body or mind according to rules and regulations. Discipline is the spirit and spice of life. Life without discipline is a voyage on a shoreless ocean with our maps and navigational equipment. Discipline is a force which unites all the efforts made by man to achieve something rewarding and extraordinary.

“Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly”.

Even the creatures like ants follow discipline; these seem to be walking like an army, in a sequence to reach their destination and attain harmony among its droplets. It never observes any disorder or mountains have symmetry in them. Revolving planet follows a sequence. They rotate in their specific paths or orbits. The whole universe seems to be bound in a certain order.

Our Armed forces have a set schedule of training comprising different stages. Almost all the phenomena and processes have a certain mechanism or pattern. Discipline is very important for progress and prosperity of a nation. A well-disciplined nation can rise high in the field of technology, Science and commerce. The ruling nations in the world display extreme discipline otherwise they would not have achieved status in the world. Nations that have well-disciplined leaders progress at a rapid pace. We can achieve our goals and objectives as we are disciplined. Discipline conserves the resources and enables us to plan for our future needs.

“Discipline is a symbol of caring to a child. Discipline is guidance. If there is love, There is no such thing as being too tough with a child”.

Offering prayers five times a day gives us a clear message of organization and discipline. We follow a specific code of conduct and maintain discipline among us. Discipline gives us concentrated power. We can realize our aims if we are well disciplined. A disciplined person is a happy person who has clear. Understanding of his abilities, opportunities available resources at his disposal and course which he has to follow.

An undisciplined person is wayward and a failure. He wastes his energy and depreciates his abilities. He tries to attain something but, without any proper and organized effort. What we achieve or lose depends a lot on our being disciplined.

To conclude, it is the fact universally acknowledged that without discipline life on this earth will be a complete chaos. It restrains and channelizes our energies in a positive direction and leads charm to otherwise charmless objects.

“Age acquires no value save through thought and discipline.”

This Essay on Discipline is taken from Kips Notes. However, You may also like Essay on Value of Discipline.

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