Home English Essays Essay on Career | Career I Like to Choose | Profession I Like to Choose

Essay on Career | Career I Like to Choose | Profession I Like to Choose


The Career I Like to Choose Essay for Matric, FA, FSC, 2nd Year, Intermediate, BA and BSC | The Profession I Like to Choose

Here is an essay on Career I Like to Choose for the students of different classes. Students can write the same essay under the title, Essay on Career, My ambition in life essay, an essay on the career I like to choose, essay on the profession I like to choose, essay on career planning, etc. You can also get solved an example of My Aim in Life with Quotations. Also, you can visit our category of English Essays.

Essay on Career  or Essay on The Profession I Like to Choose for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

No human being can live without ambitions and desires. Everybody has his own dreams and desires, which he wants to fulfill in his future life. It is our desires and ambitions which give us the stimulus to work and act. They are the main source of inspiration. We must select our career keeping in view our taste, temperament and ability. If a man of poetic genius is forced to become a soldier he will be an utter failure there.

There are a number of professions and aims of life such as business, medicine, teaching and engineering etc. Different people have different ambitions. Some want to be rich, some wish to become a doctor to gain honour, some are looking for the profession of lawyer and some desire to become a scientist.

Many young boys and girls want to go to the European Countries to earn money. They are not ready to work in our own country but are ready to do anything abroad. They are looking for shortcuts to earn a lot of money within a short period.

My ambition in life is very simple and not based on wealth, power or high social status. I am a simple young man with simple desires and ambitions. My ambition is simple enough. It is the service of the poor people. At my age, one is always likely to be selfless and kind to others. When I am alone, I think of passing all my examinations with credit. This will bring great glory and pride to my parents. l hope to sit for the competitive examination.

I have every hope of becoming a C. S. P. Officer. Now-a-days, the C.S.P officers, do not deal gently with the people. They have become rude and selfish. They are unmindful of the welfare of the people. They do not serve, but the rule. After becoming a C.S.P, Officer, I want to remove all the evils which have entered our civil administration. I would go to villages to meet even the poorest people and find out their difficulties. I would devise plans to better their lot. I would put many schemes before the government by which I may be able to bring a revolution in their life. I would share my meals with a poor old man without telling who I was. I would, thus be loved and liked by all the people in the district where I may be serving.

I am inspired to do some good for the people. If I don’t become a C.S.P Officer, I imagine myself to become a social worker. Whenever I read about great social workers who helped in improving a lot of their people, I am also inspired to become them. I want to teach our farmers the importance of healthy and clean living. I want to point out to them the harms of unnecessary litigation. I would advise them not to spend lavishly on their ceremonies. I would go to the villages and convince rich people to help their poor brothers. I pray to God that my ambition to serve people should not end in the dream. I hope my prayer will be granted.

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One Comment

  1. Abrish Khan

    December 18, 2020 at 8:47 am

    this eassy is very useful …i was literally very upset how to write eassy on my aim of life….hope this page will give benefits to all….


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