Home English Essays Essay on Gifts

Essay on Gifts


Essay on Gifts for the students of Matric, FA, FSC, 2nd Year, Intermediate, BA and BSC

Here is an essay on gifts for the students of Class 10, Class 12, Graduation and other classes. Gifts his essay will discuss different things about Gifts. Gifts are very important in our daily life. There are 2 types of gifts, good gifts and bad gifts. Good gifts are those which we give to our friends, family and relatives and bad gifts are those which are given as bribery. The complete essay on Gifts is as under. Students can write the same essay with some changes and more content under the title, essay on gift you received, importance of gifts essay, a beautiful gift essay, an unexpected gift essay, the first gift i received essay.

Importance of Gifts Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation

Gifts occupy an important place in our social life. They build our relations with other people. We exchange gifts with other people on our festivals. The Eid gifts, the birthday gifts and gifts exchanged between friends are the routine of our life. They speak of our love for one another. There are gifts which are given merely out of material considerations. A subordinate may give a gift to his officer in order to win his favour. Gifts are given as a form 0f bribery. Such gifts are not liked by anybody in the society. Our religion attaches great importance to the exchange of gifts. The Holy Prophet ( PBUH ) has stressed the need and importance of exchanging gifts. He has urged us to exchange gifts because they increase love among us.

But the gifts given as bribery do not increase love. They are the expression of our selfish nature. They are given to get some material benefit. Real gifts are the expression of our inner goodness and sincerity. They build love between a husband and wife, a lover and his beloved, a teacher and the taught. Gifts should not be exploited for selfish interests. it is very difficult to select the right type of gift. It is wrong to overload people with what they already possess. We offer silver button hooks to a friend on marriage when he already possesses a plentiful of them. Articles of furniture exchanged between families are not gifts.

There is no element of surprise in them. Some people buy gifts from the market and present them to their friends and relatives. This is a business like any mechanical way of presenting gifts.

The selection of gifts is an art our gifts must represent two things.

First, they must fulfil the needs of our friends and relatives.

Second, they must be the creation of ourselves. They must be the part of our own nature.

A gift must not be asked for. It should be unexpected like a lily in winter and should not smack of a commercial transaction. It should reflect the personality and temperament of the giver of the gift. Even a small and insignificant gift on the part of the giver should be welcomed with feelings of gratitude. Small gifts like flowers, branches of trees, perfume or rose leaf should not be discouraged. They are also remembered by the recipient with feelings of thankfulness and emotions.

Gifts are token of love, trust and goodwill. They play an important part in making us love one another. They stir our memory and sentiment. They arouse our feelings or generosity. The giving of a gift brings to surface all the good qualities which we possess. They make us humble and help us shedding off our pride and vanity. It is our goodness for others Which urge us to give gifts to our relations and help us overcoming our prejudices and base feelings.

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