Home English Report Writing English Report on Labour Problems of Workers

English Report on Labour Problems of Workers


Write a report on the labour problems of factory and mill workers of your city from a social welfare officer to the Director General Social Welfare Department, Lahore. (PU 1996)

Here is an English Report writing formate, Report on Labour Problems of Workers for BSC Students. With the point of view of exams of BSC this report is important and previously it was in the exams of Punjab University 1996. Students of other classes can also prepare it. Report on Beggars and Begging is here.

English Report on Labour Problems of Workers for BSC and other Classes

Date: June 18, 2010.


The Director General,
Social Welfare Department,

From: Social Welfare Officer

Subject: Labour problems of workers.



Kindly refer to your letter No.A-3020, dated June 13, 2018 about the submission of a report, on the subject cited above. l have to submit the following for your kind consideration.

1. On the re¢eipt of your orders, I visited many factories and famous mills of the city. I interviewed labourers and members of the administration and found that our industrial workers were working under pitiable conditions.

Poor working condition.

The workers in almost all the factories and mills were threatened with the insecurity of service. They are employed on temporary basis. They were afraid of being dismissed from service on one pretext or the other. That is why they did not work with satisfaction.

Nature of work:

They worked from morning to evening with a break of an hour. If they were late in the morning for only a few minutes, they were not allowed to attend to their duty. They were scolded and taken to task for late arrival. Sometimes, they had a geniune reason for their late arrival but the administration did not pay attention to it. They could hardly make both ends meet with this scanty amount of money.

Entertainment facilities:

The labourers had to work for many hours continuously. Their work was tiresome and exhausting but they were not given enough time for refreshment. Most of the factories did not have canteens, where they could have something to eat and drink. the factories have canteens do not sell the articles of food at subsidized rates. Moreover, the articles of food sold at these canteens were of substandard quality.

Medical Facilities:

The injured workers did not get real medical facilities. In the Social Security Hospital, they did not get proper treatment without some influence. The hospitals did not give them costly treatment. The medical staff often ill-treated them. In some of the cases, the injured labourers died for want of medical aid.


  1. It is suggested that the working hours of all the mills should be fixed.
  2. The labourers should be given real medical facilities.
  3. Their wages should be increased.
  4. They should be given three extra bonus per year to meed their extraordinary expenses.
  5. They should be treated by the administration politely and their problems should be solved sympathetically.
  6. Standard of medical treatment for the labourers should be improved.


A.B.C ( Social Welfare Officer)

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