Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English Visit to a Small Planet Play Synonyms Quiz

11th English Visit to a Small Planet Play Synonyms Quiz


In this post, you will get 1st Year English Play 2 Visit to a Small Planet Synonyms MCQs for Class 11 Students. The play is written by Gore Vidal. There are 3 Plays in 1st Year English Book III, this is the 2nd One. Go here for 1st Year English Book 3 notes. Visit to a Small Planet Play Synonyms Quiz is being shared for practice purpose only. Besides this, complete English Notes for Class 11 has already been posted.

1st Year English Play 2 Visit to a Small Planet Synonyms MCQs – Kips Notes

Slowly a luminous object arcs into view.

(A) radiant
(B) murky
(C) dim
(D) dark

(A) radiant

The flying object seems to dissolve into the living room of Spelding’s house.

(A) vanish
(B) embellish
(C) destroy
(D) furnish

(A) vanish

Mr. Spelding is unctuous.

(A) majestic
(B) ambitious
(C) flattering
(D) wild

(C) flattering

Ellen fidgets as she listens to the broadcast of her father.

(A) slumbers
(B) enjoys a lot
(C) laughs heartily
(D) moves restlessly

(D) moves restlessly

Certain lunatic elements believe that the flying object is a secret weapon.

(A) bold
(B) foolish
(C) wise
(D) quickly

(B) foolish

Mr. Spelding says that John has no get-up-and-go.

(A) money
(B) wisdom
(C) health
(D) energy

(D) energy

Mr. Spelding says that the horror of marrying a wealthy man always eludes him.

(A) avoids
(B) whips
(C) charms
(D) rewards

(A) avoids

An ambitious man makes his mark in the world.

(A) tours
(B) fails
(C) succeeds
(D) travels

(C) succeeds

The authorities are torn by doubts about Kreton.

(A) Worried
(B) delighted
(C) encouraged
(D) silenced

(A) Worried

Kreton calls humans poor fragile butterflies.

(A) strong
(B) colourful
(C) destitute
(D) weak

(D) weak

Kreton says that he does not sound patronizing.

(A) sordid
(B) meek
(C) mean
(D) snobbish

(D) snobbish

Powers asks Kreton if he is a spy or a hostile alien.

(A) human
(B) secret agent
(C) impostor
(D) soldier

(B) secret agent

Powers says that he has a hunch that they are in trouble.

(A) feeling
(B) radio
(C) material
(D) weapon

(A) feeling

Powers said that Kreton was reconnoitering preparatory to invasion.

(A) prior to
(B) during
(C) beside
(D) afterward

(A) prior to

The earth people have an assumption that all strangers are hostile.

(A) illusion
(B) meditation
(C) gathering
(D) supposition

(D) supposition

Spelding says Kreton is an impostor.

(A) alien
(B) fraud
(C) hero
(D) important man

(B) fraud

Kreton says that pride is a primitive trait of earth people.

(A) skill
(B) view
(C) quality
(D) celebrity

(C) quality

Kreton says that his people do not intend to dominate the earth.

(A) swirl
(B) develop
(C) inhabit
(D) control

(D) control

Of course, my friends think me perverse to be interested in a primitive society.

(A) irrational
(B) backward
(C) submissive
(D) advanced

(A) irrational

Ellen thinks that it would be divine in outer space.

(A) devilish
(B) strong
(C) lovely
(D) rough

(C) lovely

The earth people have savage thoughts.

(A) just
(B) wild
(C) neutral
(D) beautiful

(C) neutral

Spelding is a T.V Commentator.

(A) anchor
(B)  cameraman
(C) technician
(D) mechanic

(A) anchor

General Powers thinks Kreton has been sent here for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to the invasion.

(A) assault
(B) spying
(C) investigation
(D) interruption

(A) assault

His daughter, Ellen, a lively girl of twenty, fidgets as she listens.

(A) young
(B) cheerful
(C) rude
(D) shrewd

(B) cheerful

The flying object has given rise to so much irresponsible conjecture.

(A) lunacy
(B) fears
(C) guesswork
(D) commentary

(B) fears

Spelding nods wearily, his mechanical smile and heartiness suddenly gone.

(A) enthusiastically
(B) approvingly
(C) instinctively
(D) tiredly

(D) tiredly

Spelding nods wearily, his mechanical smile and heartiness suddenly gone.

(A) generosity
(B)  resonance
(C) liveliness
(D) lethargy

(C) liveliness

It’s not very flattering when one’s own daughter won’t listen to what one says.

(A) gratifying
(B) threatening
(C) tolerable
(D) unpleasant

(A) gratifying

More deadly than a serpent’s tooth is an ungrateful child.

(A) disobedient
(B) thankless
(C) unruly
(D) spoilt

(B) thankless

Whatever the exact quotation is, I stand by the sentiment.

(A) emotion
(B) situation
(C) reality
(D) proposition

(A) emotion

If it’s not a meteor, it’s an optical illusion… mass hysteria.

(A) curiosity
(B) misunderstanding
(C) madness
(D) speculation

(C) madness

I do hope I don’t sound patronizing.

(A) voice
(B) seem
(C) speak
(D) pretend

(B) seem

I’m sure you’re teasing us and this is all some kind of publicity stunt.

(A) shock
(B) measurement
(C) campaign
(D) trick

(D) trick

I don’t suppose you’d consent to my interviewing you on television?

(A) agree
(B) gratify
(C) latch
(D) apologize

(A) agree

You are only in the initial stages, the most fascinating stages as far as I’m concerned.

(A) early
(B) charming
(C) advanced
(D) confusing

(B) charming

That’s one of your most endearing primitive traits.

(A) deep-rooted
(B) uncivilized
(C) human
(D) modern

(B) uncivilized

General Powers, a vigorous product of the National Guard, and his AIDE enter.

(A) new
(B) frail
(C) ambitious
(D) strong

(D) strong

The place is surrounded by troops.

(A) soldiers
(B) aliens
(C) secret agents
(D) investigators

(A) soldiers

We are afraid that you represent a hostile race.

(A) unfriendly
(B) submissive
(C) strong
(D) impromptu

(A) unfriendly

Kreton sits down comfortably beside the globe which he twirls thoughtfully.

(A) muses
(B) fixes
(C) spins
(D) studies

(C) spins

I don’t mind curiosity but I really can’t permit them to wreck my poor ship.

(A) explore
(B) destroy
(C) use
(D) sculpt

(B) destroy

And Daddy will be deliriously happy.

(A) soberly
(B) selfishly
(C) extremely
(D) respectively

(C) extremely

I feel quite giddy.

(A) happy
(B) wild
(C) perverse
(D) dizzy

(D) dizzy

General Powers believes Kreton has been sent here for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to the invasion.

(A) preparing
(B) surveying
(C) dominating
(D) communicating

(B) surveying

Powers thinks Kreton has been sent here for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to the invasion.

(A) preparatory to
(B) in addition to
(C)  after
(D) during

(A) preparatory to

Pulse beat of the nation.

(A) president
(B) throb
(C) vision
(D) enemy

(B) throb

He has every virtue.

(B) beauty
(C) Quality
(D) Fun

(C) Quality

Of course, I did, Daddy.

(A) Nervously
(B) certainly
(C) foolishly
(D) calmly

(B) certainly

Powers: to AID Grab him.

(A) grip
(B) leave
(C) forgive
(D) help

(A) grip

This is the wrong costume.

(A) from
(B) side
(C) language
(D) dress

(D) dress

Spelding is concluding his T.V broadcast.

(A) corning
(B) running
(C) starting
(D) winding up

(D) winding up

Mr. Spelding crosses to pose with his wife and daughter.

(A) impress
(B) hate
(C) argue
(D) fight

(C) argue

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  1. Visit to a Small Planet Urdu Translation
  2. Play Visit to a Small Planet Solved MCQs
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