Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English In Broken Images Poem Question Answers

11th English In Broken Images Poem Question Answers


Here I am sharing 1st Year English In Broken Images Poem Question Answers Notes for Class 11 Students. Robert Graves is the author of this poem and this is the last poem in intermediate part 1 book 3. Notes have been taken from kips notes. 1st year English Book 3 is based on Plays and Poems. I have already shared complete notes of plays and poems in this post.

1st Year English Poem 20 In Broken Images by Robert Graves Short Questions with Answers

Q.1 Who wrote the poem, “In Broken Images”?

Ans. Robert Graves wrote the poem, “In Broken Images”.

Q.2 What is the moral lesson/theme of the poem, “In Broken Images”?


What is the message of the poem?


What conclusion does the poet draw in the last two lines of the poem?

Ans. The poet says that we should not live a dull and confused life by taking things for granted or by assuming facts without questioning their relevance. True understanding of things comes by using our mental faculties and avoiding hasty conclusions.

Q.3 Who is in a new confusion of his understanding?

Ans. A person is in a new confusion of his understanding when he assumes facts without questioning their relevance. The poet wants to say that facts and images need to be broken and mistrusted in order for one to have fresh understanding of things.

Q.4 Why does a person question his senses when the facts fail him?

Ans. A person questions his senses when the facts fail him because he trusts his images and assumes facts without questioning their relevance. The poet wants to say that we should see things critically to understand them.

Q.5 What is the state of the person who trusts his images?

Ans. A person who trusts his images blindly ends up in confusion. He lives a dull and mindless life. When images fail him, he gets confused and frustrated. He begins to mistrust his senses.

Q.6 What is the state of the person who mistrusts the broken images?

Ans. A person who mistrusts the broken images does not end up in confusion. When something ultimately proves wrong, he approves his senses and his belief in himself becomes stronger.

Q.7 What is the state of the two person – one who trusts clear images and the other who mistrusts the broken images?

Ans. A person who trusts clear images ends up in confusion. One the other hand, a person who mistrusts him broken images does not get confused. Clarity to confusion brings frustration and uncertainty, while confusion to clarity brings satisfaction and enlightenment.

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