Home 1st Year English Notes 11th English In Broken Images Poem Explanation of Lines

11th English In Broken Images Poem Explanation of Lines


In this post, I am sharing 1st Year English In Broken Images Poem Explanation of lines (stanzas) with reference to the context. This is the last poem in 1st year English Book 3 syllabus. These notes have been taken from kips notes. I am also sharing urdu translation of these lines at the bottom of this post. All Poems notes are available in this post.

1st Year English Poem 20 In Broken Images by Robert Graves Explanation of Stanzas (Lines)


These lines have been taken from the poem, “In Broken Images” by Robert Graves.


The poet says that we should not live a dull and confused life by taking things for granted or by assuming facts without questioning their relevance. True understanding of things comes by using our mental faculties and avoiding hasty conclusions.

Explanation of Lines 1 – 2

The poet describes the two persons and their different approaches towards conceptions or mental pictures. One is quick and hasty while the other is slow and steady. Quick one takes the things in haste and thinks that he has grasped them very well while the poet himself thinks that his concepts are still unclear and want clarification.

Critical Appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 3 – 4

The poet discusses the condition of both the persons logically and systematically. He says that the quick one, the poet’s pride, trusts quickly and hastily, without raising any question. He thinks that his concepts are clear. So he learns little. He loses his interest and becomes dull. While the poet feels that he still needs to understand the matter. So his inquisitive attitude makes him sharp with the passage of time.

Critical Appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 5 – 6

The poet says that his friends trust the images considering them relevant to the point. But the poet doubts his concepts and makes research which leads him to the fact.

Critical Appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 7 – 8

The sharp person thinks that his findings are relevant. Therefore, he assumes the facts. He thinks that whatever he has found is the mere truth. While on the other hand, the poet, who is a dull person, challenges the relevancy of his findings. He makes a through research whether his results are correct or not.

Critical Appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 9 – 10

The poet says when his friend finds the fact opposite to what he has thought, he is confused. He blames his senses which could not grasp the fact properly. He suspects his understanding while the poet is happy because his inquisitive nature saves him. He was already thinking that nothing was relevant to the fact. So, in this way his conception and understanding proved reliable.

Critical appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 11 – 12

The poet concludes that his friend does not mend his ways and remains still overconfident and quick, so he does not learn because of lack of interest. So he becomes dull while the poet keeps on treading the same path as usual. He inquires about the point and learns more than one methods or answer. His this inquisitiveness makes him wiser gradually.

Critical Appreciation

The juxtaposition of opposite words is employed to reveal two contrasting attitudes in life.

Explanation of Lines 14 – 15

The poet concludes the poet beautifully that the quick and over confident person blames his understanding and conception. He repents upon his poor understanding. While the poet who remains slow but inquisitive finds the solution of his confusion. He grasps the reality and is happy. In the end he is successful. He appreciates his understanding. So, the poet conveys the message that a person should be inquisitive towards the images of life. Inquisitive nature opens new horizons of understanding.

Critical Appreciation

These lines are paradoxical in nature as they reveal something quite opposite to what is expected.

Main Idea of In Borken Images Poem

A person should remain inquisitive about the images of life. Overconfident and hasty person cannot grasp the facts properly. A thoughtful and careful person becomes sharp and being slow and steady he wins the race.

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