Home PPSC Past Papers Solved PPSC Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service

Solved PPSC Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service


Solved PPSC Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service etc. (General Knowledge Paper)

Here is the 2nd part of Solved PPSC Past Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service. MCQs are provided here for practice purpose. Students and job seekers can prepare these Multiple Choice Questions for online preparation of PPSC, CSS, PMS, NTS, OTS, PTS Exams and interviews. For more PPSC Past papers visit This Link.

Solved PPSC Previous Paper for the Post of Provincial Management Service etc.

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26. The name of Ceylon changed into Sri Lanka in?

(A) 1965
(B) 1972
(C) 1976
(D) 1974

(B) 1972

27. One yard is equal to_________?

(A) 0.989
(B) 0.914
(C) 1.125
(D) 1.150

(B) 0.914

28. 1 BTU is equal to how many joules______?

(A) 1055
(B) 1075
(C) 1050
(D) 1155

(A) 1055

29. One Gram of gold is equal to how many Milligrams of gold______?

(A) 100 mg
(B) 500m
(C) 1000 mg
(D) 10,000 mg

(C) 1000 mg

30. Adam’s Peak is located in______?

(A) Nepal
(B) Iran
(C) Sri Lanka
(D) India

(C) Sri Lanka

31. One Inch is equal ______?

(A) 2.5 cm
(B) 2 cm
(C) 2.54 cm
(D) 3.00 cm

(C) 2.54 cm

You may also like MCQs on Weights and Measurements.

32. If 5X-15=50 than find the value of X?

(A) 15
(B) 17
(C) 13
(D) 11

(C) 13

33. Oldest inhabited city in the world is__________?

(A) Harappa
(B) Mohenjodarro
(C) Damascus
(D) Taxila

(C) Damascus

34. The Cultural Center of Gandhara Civilization was situated at present day In________.

(A) Afghanistan
(B) Pakistan
(C) China
(D) Iraq

(B) Pakistan

35. Oldest monarchy is____________?

(A) Saudi Arab
(C) Japan
(D) Kuwait

(C) Japan

36. Father of Homeopathy is_________?

(A) Samuel Hahnemann
(B) Hahnemann
(C) Sigmund
(D) Robert Dover

(A) Samuel Hahnemann

37. The book ‘Wealth of Nations” was written by___________.

(A) John Marshal
(B) Karl Marx
(C) Max Muller
(D) None of these

(D) None of these

38. Communist Manifesto was originally published in which language?

(A) Greek
(B) Russian
(C) French
(D) German

(D) German

39. The famous incident of Boston Tea Party took place in__________?

(A) 1770
(B) 1765
(C) 1773
(D) 1776

(C) 1773

40. Ahmad Khan Kharal the famous character of war of independence belongs to________?

(A) Gogera
(B) Satiana
(C) Jhumra
(D) Cheecha Watni

(C) Jhumra

41. Faiz Ahmad Faiz was imprisoned for his alleged involvement in conspiracy.

(A) Agartala
(B) Lahore
(C) Attack
(D) Rawalpindi

(D) Rawalpindi

42. “Pride and Prejudice” was written by___________.

(A) Jane Austen
(B) Thomas Hardy
(C) Agatha Christi
(D) George Omen

(A) Jane Austen

43. Cholera is caused by_________?

(A) Cocci
(B) Virus
(C) Bacteria
(D) None of these

(C) Bacteria

44. Which of the following disease is not caused by virus?

(A) Small pox
(B) Polio
(C) Typhoid
(D) Mumps

(C) Typhoid

45. Which among the following is Starch digesting enzyme?

(A) Protease
(B) Lipase
(C) Amylase
(D) None of these

(C) Amylase

46. Another name for Vitamin C is___________.

(A) Ascorbic Acid
(B) Acetic Acid
(C) Citric Acid
(D) Lysozyme

(A) Ascorbic Acid

47. Which is used as moderator in atomic reactor?

(A; Water
(B) Uranium
(C) Platinum
(D) Heavy Water

(D) Heavy Water

48. Guava Is a rich source of___________.

(A) Vitamin C
(B) Vitamin D
(C) Vitamin A
(D) Calcium

(A) Vitamin C

49. “Conversations with Myself” was written by__________?

(A) Barak Obama
(B) Nelson Mandela
(C) Tony Blair
(D) None of these

(B) Nelson Mandela
Note: “Conversation with myself is a collection of Nelson Mandela’s Speeches, Letters conversations and some of his publications. In a continuation of his former book Long Walk to Freedom.”

50. Diameter of Jupiter is __________times of earth’s diameter?

(A) 13
(B) 11
(C) 9
(D) 10

(B) 11

Set 01

Set 02

Set 03

Set 04

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