Home Important MCQs Scientific Instruments Solved MCQs | Set 02

Scientific Instruments Solved MCQs | Set 02


GK Scientific Instruments Solved MCQs for NTS, PPSC, FPSC, CSS, OTS, PTS and other Job Tests

Scientific Instruments Solved MCQs contain different questions about scientific instruments which are used to measure different things. You can attempt these questions to prepare for science teacher job test or other job tests of NTS, CSS, PPSC, OTS, FPSC and other Job tests or college admission entry tests. This is a type of test as well. Guess the answer and then check it by pressing the blue button.

1. The variation in the blood now can be heard With an instrument called______________
(a) Spectrometer
(b) Stethoscope
(c) saccharimeter
(d) sextant

(b) Stethoscope

2. Which instrument is used for determining the amount of sugar is a solution?
(a) Spectrometer
(b) Stethoscope
(c) Saccharimeter
(d) Sextant

(c) Saccharimeter

3. Which instrument is used to measure the intensity of earthquake?
(a) Seismograph
(b) Scotograph
(c) Speedometer
(d) Spherometer

(a) Seismograph

4. Name the instrument which indicates speed at which a vehicle is moving?
(a) Seismograph
(b) Scotograph
(c) Speedometer
(d) Spherometer

(c) Speedometer

5. Which apparatus is used for recording the movement of the lungs?
(a) Sphygmophone
(b) Scotograph
(c) Spirograph
(d) Son meter

(c) Spirograph

6. Which device converts heat energy into mechanical energy
(a) Generator
(b) Steam engine
(c) Electrical Motor
(d) Loudspeaker

(b) Steam engine

7. Which device converts electrical energy into mechanical energy?
(a) Generator
(b) Steam engine
(c) Electrical Motor
(d) Loudspeaker

(c) Electrical Motor

8. Which device converts electrical energy into sound energy?
(a) Generator
(b) Steam engine
(c) Electrical Motor
(d) Loudspeaker

(d) Loudspeaker

9. Which device converts sound energy into electrical energy?
(a) Microphone
(b) Steam engine
(d) Electrical Motor
(d) Loudspeaker

(a) Microphone

10. The device which converts the chemical energy into electrical energy.
(a) Battery
(b) Electrical Motor
(c) Steam engine
(d) Generator

(a) Battery

11. What does an Altimeter measure?
(a) Altitude
(b) Gratitude
(c) Longitude
(d) Depth

(a) Altitude

12. What would we use to measure the current?
(a) Actimometer
(b) Ammeter
(c) Anemometer
(d) Altimeter

(b) Ammeter

13. The instrument used for measuring the velocity of wind is known as __________
(a) Actimometer
(b) Ammeter
(c) Anemometer
(d) Altimeter

(c) Anemometer

14. To records accurate time on ships?
(a) Chronometer
(b) Algesimeter
(c) Audiometer
(d) Barograph

(a) Chronometer

15. Which instrument is used to measure the depth of the ocean?
(a) Fathometer
(b) Galvanometer
(c) Gramophone
(d) Gravimeter

(a) Fathometer

This is exercise of Set 2, you can visit Set 1 about scientific instruments mcqs also.

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