Home English Essays The Holly Quran | Essay On My Favourite Book with Quotations

The Holly Quran | Essay On My Favourite Book with Quotations


Essay on the Holly Quran with Quotations for Matric, F.A and B.A Exams

Essay On My Favourite book in English is here, which is definitely the Holly Quran. This essay is for all classes like Class 10, Class 12 and graduation. However, this essay is for those students who like outstanding stuff. Students can prepare it for annual examinations. My Favourite Book essay is an important essay by the exam point of view. For more Essays Go Here. Essay on this page is especially for the students of Intermediate level. However, an easy Favourite book Essay for the students of Class 10 in English is available on this page.

Essay On my Favourite Book for Class 10, Class 12 (2nd Year, FSC) and Graduation – My Favourite Book Essay

“A home without books is a body without the soul. ” (Marcus Tullius Cicero)

Books are the friends of human beings as they provide excellent information. They enhance our knowledge and broaden our vision. They console us when we are worried. They guide us how to lead a fantastic life. They persuade us how to handle different situations. They help us develop the habit of contemplation and meditation on various issues. They provide strength to individuals in all the phases of life. They expose various hidden truths. They increase the man’s thirst for exploring new things. it is rightly said that

“The greater our knowledge increases,
The greater our ignorance unfolds.”

But one should be very much careful in the selection of books. As good books are extremely fruitful, some bad books can be very dangerous. People do have different likes and dislike in regard of books. Same is the case with me. I like to read books which are based on facts and figures. l know that only the good books benefit an individual with the awareness of the entire world related to the discoveries and inventions, which are being made throughout the world.

I regard books as my companion. I love reading all kinds of good books, but my favourite book Is the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran is basically a religious book of Muslims. It was revealed to the last prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). The arch-angel Gabriel brought this scripture in the 7th century A.D. in instalments. It is in Arabic. It has 30 sections, 114 chapters and 6,666 verses. It is the only infallible book of the world.

“This is the book about which there is no doubt, guidance for those conscious of Allah.”
(Al-Quran 2-2)

The Holy Quran is a complete code of life. One can find a solution to every problem. It not only deals with the worldly affairs but also with matters of the world hereafter. It gives us complete guidance. There are clear injunctions about our life in the Holy Quran. Every aspect of our life has been discussed in detail in it. It helps us lead a noble, honest, humble and fair life and makes us live a more harmonious life with our fellow beings. It is the matchless treasure and it contains the solution to every problem.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said:
“The Holy Quran is a wealth that no wealth can equal (or reach) it. And there will be no poverty after it.”

The Holy Quran is not only for an individual or nation but also for the whole universe. It is for everyone. It can bring revolution in man’s life. It tells us how to serve and worship Allah. It tells us how to live a life of virtue. It tells us how to behave in our homes, how to treat our parents, brothers and sisters, relatives and friends, neighbours and strangers.

I daily recite the Holy Quran. It soothes my heart and purifies my thoughts. It enables me to ponder over different things and revise my life altogether. It motivates me to give up all the bad deeds and encourages me to do something beneficial for the whole humanity. May Allah help all of us to be regular in reciting the Holy Quran so that we can lead a fantastic, sacred and pious life! Aameen.

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  1. Farheen

    July 15, 2019 at 10:36 am

    Its fantastic essay


  2. Abdullah

    September 18, 2019 at 6:02 pm

    Your words about quran is true and sweet


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